Lauren Simmonds

Young Founder Of Startup Describes Nerve Breaking Process Of Opening A Company In Croatia In Public Message To Government

Lauren Simmonds

Ridiculous redtape and the apparent objection to progress highlights the problematic Cult of the Uhljeb once again, this time in ...

Plenkovic: All Tools Will Be Used To Reduce Crowds At Borders

Lauren Simmonds

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic hopes for a speedy resolution to Croatia’s problematic border situation.

Viasat History To Air ”Republika” In May

Lauren Simmonds

Bozidar Domagoj Buric’s ”Republika” will be shown on the international Viasat History as of the 3rd of May 2017!

Croatia Ranked Among Safest Countries In The World

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia is one of the few remaining countries in which you can walk around at night and feel completely safe, ...

Balkan Insight: Uncontrolled Tourism Threatens Balkan UNESCO Sites

Lauren Simmonds

Dubrovnik has been the subject of debate surrounding the amount of people being allowed to enter into the Old City ...

Creative Contest in Honour of Earth Day in Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

With Earth Day just around the corner, what are the people of Dubrovnik doing to mark it?

Night Of Books In Dubrovnik This Month!

Lauren Simmonds

Dubrovnik’s ”Night of Books” will take place on the 22nd of April 2017 at Dubrovacke knjiznice (Cvijete Zuzoric 4, Dubrovnik, 20000)

Grab Your Umbrella – A Rainy Easter Awaits Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

The end of March saw Dubrovnik’s weather records beaten as the city basked in glorious summer-like temperatures, but change is ...

Easter in Primorje: A Springtime Event And A Touch Of Tradition In Klisevo

Lauren Simmonds

The eighth consecutive ”Easter in Primorje” will be held in the village of Klisevo on Monday the 17th of April ...

Enter Air Remains Only Charter Line For Poznan and Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

The Boeing 737-800 will fly once per week every Thursday from the 8th of June until the 21st of September ...