Paul Bradbury

Magical Motovun: Istria’s Premier Hilltop Treasure?

Paul Bradbury

(Photos by Steve Tsentserenky) September 1, 2023 – No visit to Istria is complete without a visit to the truffle ...

Zagreb Hotel Openings: Expanding Quality for Tourism Needs

Paul Bradbury

August 29, 2023 – The Zagreb hotel scene is changing – and for the better. An overview of the new ...

Spancirfest 2023 in Varazdin: An American Photo Appreciation

Paul Bradbury

August 29, 2023 – The fabulous Spancirfest 2023 has come to an end. American Croatiaphile Steve Tsentserensky captured the atmosphere ...

Sustainable Tourism? How Croatia Compares with EU Competition

Paul Bradbury

August 29, 2023 – While the phrase ‘sustainable tourism’ is all the rage, how out of sync is Croatia with ...

Looking for a Job in Croatia? This Week’s Top 10 from (August 27, 2023)

Paul Bradbury

August 27, 2023 – Looking for a job in Croatia? A weekly feature on TCN, in partnership with leading job ...

Bench Tourism Renaissance as Vrboska Bench Returned!

Paul Bradbury

August 26, 2023 – A fabulous piece of news for bench tourism in Vrboska on Hvar – the return of ...

Visiting Liberland 2016 v 2023: A MASSIVE Difference

Paul Bradbury

August 26, 2023 – Dismissed as a publicity stunt 8 years ago, perhaps Europe’s craziest border story continues to surprise. ...

15 Silly Questions about Dubrovnik to Tour Guides

Paul Bradbury

August 26, 2023 – Tour guides field lots of questions each day, some stranger than others. 15 unusual questions about ...

Snapshots of Split in 2014: Culinary Pioneers

Paul Bradbury

August 21, 2023 – As discussion about Split’s tourism strategy continues, snapshots of Split in 2014, and a missed opportunity. ...

Tourism Away from the Coast: Koprivnica Renaissance Festival (VIDEO)

Paul Bradbury

August 20, 2023 – There is plenty of life and tradition in continental Croatia – a visit to the majestic ...