
Split Scientists Discovered a Rare Example of Evolution in Cetina River

Total Croatia News

(photo: Dalmacija News) Algae made it from the sea to the Cetina river and adapted to the life there, reports ...

Extras Wanted in Vrgorac and Surroundings

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(photo: Vecernji List / Patrola na Cesti TV series) Not long after the premier of a new TV series filmed ...

Vrgorac Through the Eyes of a French Blogger

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Another beautiful article about Inland Dalmatia from the French blogger Violaine Malié. After Vrlika and Sinj, another article about Vrgorac appeared ...

After 20 Years, Imotski will get a Cinema

Total Croatia News

(photo: CROPIX, Ante Juroš, Dalmacija News) Works on the restoration and digitalization of the City Cinema in Imotski are in ...

To the Movies in Vrgorac Tonight

Total Croatia News

After several years a regular cinema program returns to Vrgorac, through the project of Kino Mediteran. Together, 20 cities are ...

Night of Museums at the Gallery Sikirica in Pictures

Total Croatia News

Just yesterday, we informed about the amazing Night of Museums at the Sinj Alka Museum, where people were standing in ...

Topana Fortress Above Imotski: More than Two Centuries Under Turkish Rule..

Total Croatia News

The interesting series of articles published at the Dalmatinski Portal about ancient fortresses continues – conservator Ivan Alduk writes about the ...

Imotski Svitnjak is One Year Old – Happy Birthday!!

Total Croatia News

It takes courage to start making a difference. So many of us are just complaining about other people, about government, ...

The Unique Vedrine Costume Parade

Total Croatia News

There are a lot of interesting events during the Carnival season in Inland Dalmatia. People like to costume themselves and ...

A Magnificent Night at the Museum of Sinj Alka

Total Croatia News

(photos:   An unusual event took place last night at the Museum of Sinj Alka, informs In fact, ...