Get to Know Kopila Archaeological Site

Total Croatia News

190918 Kopila2a

Kopila is one of the main archaeological sites on the island of Korčula.

On the occasion of the World Tourism Day, the Days of Kopila event will be organised in Blato on the island of Korčula for the first time.


Its aim is to present the archaeological site with an emphasis on heritage tourism as part of the permanent tourist offer of Blato and the island of Korčula. The Days of Kopila will remind us of the rich history of this location and will take place over four days, from 26 to 29 September. All visitors will be able to take part in professional lectures, educational events, educational-tourist tours of the site, thematic and interactive workshops for children, and a culinary event at the town park in Blato.

The Days of Kopila, from 26 to 29 September 2018
Kopila archaeological site – prehistoric fortress
Blato, the island of Korčula

Wednesday, 26 September 2018
9.30 – 10.30 interactive workshop for preschoolers
presentation of the story about the Kopila archaeological site, Blato
(Kopila, jewellery, weapons, life and customs)

20.00 official opening of the Days of Kopila
Small Hall of the Culture Centre, Blato
welcome speech by the organizer / World Tourism Day
lecture “New Developments in Researching the Kopila Archaeological Site”
(Dinko Radić, Ph.D., Vela Luka Culture Centre)

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Thursday, 27 September 2018 / World Tourism Day
9.00 excursion to Kopila for preschoolers

16.00 tour of Kopila accompanied by an expert guide / educational-tourist tour for citizens and visitors
educational walking tour with the expert guidance of the archaeological site of the prehistoric Kopila fortress and its necropolis (classical Greek word, nekros-deceased and polis-city, “city of the dead”)

participants of the educational-tourist tour of Kopila can register at the Blato Tourist Office by Wednesday, 26 September

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Friday, 28 September 2018
9.00 – Blato Kindergarten / 10.00 Marija Petković Kindergarten, Blato
creative art workshop for preschoolers, “We draw, create and learn about Kopila”

Saturday, 29 September 2018
9.00 – 12.00 / “Breakfast from Kopila”, town park in Blato (the cottage)
presentation of traditional food and crafts

More info about the event can be found at the websites of the Blato Tourist Board and the Croatian National Tourist Board.


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