An Experiment with the Croatian Media: The Digital Journal Effect

Total Croatia News

One of the best blogs about Croatia in any language is that of our friends from Secret Dalmatia, a boutique tourist agency which is setting the standards in innovative tours and outstanding customer service. The agency work aside, the company’s blog takes its many fans into undiscovered parts of Croatia, bringing out the hidden gems of this fascinating region. 

Another excellent blog went up a few days ago, following a 1570 map of the Sibenik area which had what seemed to be a pyramid. Off went the Secret Dalmatia team to investigate, and they reported back in this great blog

I waited.

Nothing happened. A few Facebook likes as it was shared on social media. Not one Croatian media outlet picked up on the story, which was a pretty interesting one, whether or not it was an actual pyramid. I decided to do a little experiment and write a Google News article about it for Digital Journal, which you can read here. What happened next was rather interesting…

The first surprise was that the story was trending on Google News very quickly, as you can see from the screenshot above. With a missing aeroplane and Ukraine about to descend into war, this was somewhat surprising.

And then it started…

Tportal, Index, Vecernji List, Dnevno,,,, 

It became one of the stories of the day, and while my name was not mentioned, Digital Journal certainly was, and a minority of these portals were kind enough to link back to my story. 

A little strange though, for a very Croatian story about a Croatian investigation to only attract the attention of the Croatian media when an Englishman living in Croatia writes about it in English on a Canadian portal. 

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