April the 16th, 2024 – The wildly popular Croatian Museum of Illusions has taken the world by storm with many of them popping up in all kinds of different countries. It isn’t stopping there, either.
As Josipa Ban/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, yet another Croatian Museum of Illusions, which is currently the largest in all of Europe, was opened in Copenhagen recently.
The globally recognised combination of the world of entertainment and education with a Croatian signature is located in the most popular street, Strøget, in the very centre of Copenhagen. The aforementioned Museum of Illusions is managed by the Croatian company Metamorfoza, which now boasts over 50 Museums of Illusions open across the world in its rich portfolio. The newly opened museum in Copenhagen spans an impressive 1,200 square metres and provides its visitors with more than 70 exciting and very attractive exhibits. Some of them are having their world premiere in this new complex in the Danish capital.
honouring danish culture and history
“Visitors will have the opportunity to stimulate their imaginations and activate their senses through completely new illusions that have links with the locality, or rather pay tribute to Danish culture and history. Climbing along the historic Copenhagen facade, visiting the completely new concept of a special Danish hot dog stand are now possible, but only in the newly opened Museum of Illusions in Copenhagen, where visitors will feel the presence of the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen in a very special way”, they revealed from the Croatian Museum of Illusions concept.
They added that the Vortex Dome, which plays with the dynamics of movement, as well as the Shade Illusion, which plays with shadows, will have their grand premiere among the exhibits. “Visitors to the Museum of Illusions in Copenhagen will certainly not be deprived of the beloved and very popular illusions such as the Walk-in-Kaleidoscope and the so-called infinite room. This new Danish Museum of Illusions in is accompanied by some more innovation; the possibility of visiting the largest museum shop with a new concept and the largest assortment yet. It’s a unique opportunity for all visitors to the Museum of Illusions in Copenhagen to take home a piece of this truly incredible experience in a mini edition of illusions as a souvenir,” they pointed out.
learning through fun is the key to success for the Croatian museum of illusions

Teo Širola is the director of Metamorfoza, the Croatian company based in Zagreb that owns the franchise and manages the global network of the Museum of Illusions and is behind the brand across Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. Teo stated that their premise is learning through fun. “With yet another museum opening, we’ve confirmed that it has been well received elsewhere across the world. We worked extremely hard and for a long time on this project. The opening of the Museum of Illusions in Copenhagen enables visitors to another European metropolis to get to know this amazing and original Croatian concept through seeing the fascinating exhibits and enjoying an unforgettable experience,” said Širola.
He noted that they’re continuing to expand the Croatian Museum of Illusions concept, but with a special focus on corporate and private Museums of Illusion, such as the one just opened in Copenhagen. “Currently, according to this model, we manage a total of six of them, in Charlotte, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Denver and New York. The largest corporate Museum of Illusions in the world is the one opened last summer in Las Vegas, and the European one is now in Copenhagen,” pointed out Širola.
the largest chain of private museums on earth

The Museum of Illusions is otherwise the largest chain of private museums in the entire world, with over 50 locations in 25 countries and 10 million visitors whose illusions and exhibits are created in Croatia by the development and research team in Oroslavje.
“We’ve got no plans for this incredibly globally successful and fast-growing project to stop at these numbers. Considering the current foray into the USA, the Metamorfoza team is planning to open an extension to its Zagreb office there soon for the sake of the easier management of all of our museums”, announced the Museum of Illusions.
This innovative Croatian museum concept was conceived on the idea of the founders and owners of the Museum of Illusions in Zagreb, Tomislav Pamuković and Roko Živković.