Jazz Lab Tuesdays: Free Jazz Workshops in March

Total Croatia News

Jazz Lab, a project resulting from the collaboration of Zagreb Academy of Music,Jeunesses Musicales Croatia and Zagreb Student Centre, is organizing free jazz workshops throughout March.

The workshops are intended both for instrumental and vocal musicians, and they are completely free!

March 14, 5 p.m.: Luka Veselinović (bass), “Rhythmic and Harmonic Interaction and Communication” Dvorana MM (Student Centre)

March 21, 5 p.m.: Melita Lovričević “Vocal Alchemy”  Dvorana MM (Student Centre)

March 23, 4 p.m.: Musical workshops by Eddie Henderson and Piero Odorici “Jazz Language and Improvisation” Zagreb Academy of Music, room 222

March 24, 5:30 p.m.: Musical workshop by Tony Momrelle, “Singing, Song Writing, Performing” Dvorana HDS (Berislavićeva 9)

March 25, 11 a.m.: Zagreb Jazz Portrait musical workshop, “Communication and Playing in a Jazz Ensemble” Zagreb Academy of Music, room 439

March 28, 5 p.m.: Branko Sterpin (trumpet), “Play in a Combo-Jazz Orchestra” Dvorana MM (Student Centre)

Contact hgm@hgm.hr for more information and visit their website here.


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