Most Popular Zagreb Videos on Youtube

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What are the first things that pop into your head when someone mentions videos about Zagreb? Landmarks like Cathedral and Ban Jelačić Square or events such as InMusic festival maybe?

You might be surprised, but none of them make the top 15 list! A mix of mmusic and sports, check out the videos below:

1, 2 – 2 CELLOS
It’s no wonder that the cello duo, featured on Glee and The Bachelor, takes the first two places. Number 1 is Benedictus by Karl Jenkins with the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and number 2 AC/DC’s hit You Shook Me All Night Long, with Dusan Kranjc on drums. Both videos are from Arena Zagreb.

3 – Zageb Summer Tour 2016
Even though people used to run away from Zagreb to the coast during the summer before, the tourist board has been working hard to make people stay during the summer as well, and this wonderful video shows why they definitely should.

4 – Luka Bulić’s Kiss Kiss
Antena Zagreb’s Luka Bulić has been making people laugh with his hilarious Bullhit covers, and this is his Kiss Kiss parody, made before the match between Croatia and Turkey during UEFA Euro 2016 in France.

5 – Incredible finish in Zagreb
Number 5 is dedicated to sports (handball): Dusko Celica wins the match for Zagreb with his unbelievable final shot against Naturhouse La Rioja

6 Children’s choir Kikići
Children’s choir Kikići takes the sixth place with their adorable rendition of a song called “Reci R”.

Video number 7 shows a situation including a gold digger and a man pretending to be lost. Real of fake? See for yourself.

8 – 2 CELLOS
2 CELLOS again at Arena, this time with a hauntingly beautiful cover of Nine Inch Nails’ Hurt.

9 – Dubioza Kolektiv
More music, this time by Dubioza Kolektiv, a band from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and their Antena Zagreb gig.

10 – Cibona – Partizan (last minutes)
Zagreb loves sports, so it’s no wonder that Cibona – Partizan basketball match made it to Top 10

11 – Felix Neureuther interview
More sports, but not team this time – Felix Neureuther, German World Cup alpine ski racer, is very happy after his Slalom 2015 race

12 – BBB in London
This is a video showing Bad Blue Boys cheer their club, DInamo, when they were playing against Arsenal in London back in 2007.

13 – Advent in Zagreb
Advent has become one of the biggest events in Zagreb and this video shows its magic in 2015

14 – Prva ljubav – Nebo se plavi bijeli se Zagreb grad
One of Dinamo’s anthems

15 – 2 CELLOS – Smells Like Teen Spirit
The list ends the same way it began – with the amazing cello duo playing Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit at Arena with Dusan Kranjc on drums


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