Ever Tried a Hvar Red Wine… Made in Bosnia?

Total Croatia News

A rather unusual Hvar label from years gone by. Ever had a Hvar red from… Bosnia?

I had one of the most unusual nights of the year last night in Stari Grad, filled with so much blogging material, I could have written about three books on what was said, unsaid, and on display. Sadly, most of what transpired is probably best out of the public domain (even bloggers have secrets) and so I will have to content myself with this little gem which emerged halfway through the evening.

The Hvar Wine Association has done a great job at branding the island and its wines, but back in the 1970s, things were less transparent… 

Consider this fabulous label which emerged halfway through the evening, dating back 40 years or so, to the glory days of tourism in former Yugoslavia.

The wine, seemingly exported to Germany for sale, is called Lesina, an old name for the island of Hvar.  It quite clearly states in German that it is a Dalmatian red wine, a Yugoslav red wine from the island of Hvar. And it is ‘Bosnarot’.

Bosnian red!

Anyone with any more info on this myseterious bottle, please feel free to contact us on [email protected] 


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