Grape Harvest with Style – Local Teenagers Spending Time in the Fields

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Cars parked along the road in the fields, tractors everywhere and the characteristic wine-making smell coming from almost every house in Jelsa – the grape harvest is on!!

I must admit, I´ve never participated in the grape harvest on the island yet (would love to, but somehow I´ve never got the chance to do it), but I like how the fields are suddenly full of people and everyone is helping and enjoying being outside. I imagine it like a fun activity, but of course it could be due to the lack of hands-on experience and in reality it could be a lot of bending and heavy lifting and carrying in the hot sun, starting early in the morning through the whole day with only a short brake for food. Yes, could be..

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(all photos: Srednja Škola Jelsa FB page)

But then, here are some pictures from the Jelsa high school (Srednja škola Jelsa FB page) showing their students participating in the cooperation project between the school and the Dalmacijavino winery. The photos are called – Grape Harvest with Style.

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Those young people look like enjoying the harvest, they even look like dancing while picking grapes. My kind of people. Looks like fun!!

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