The Sailing Season is Here: The Hvar Easter Regatta

Total Croatia News

Hvar is gorgeous at the moment, and there are plenty of people already sailing.

Those numbers will increase substantially in the coming days, as Hvar hosts the 21st Easter Regatta from April 5-8. It will be a joy to see the sailing boats filling up the harbours of the island. Why not come along?

More information about the regatta on the official website – important info for participants below.  

XXI. Easter Regatta –

Hvar , 05.04.-08.04.2017.

1. Organizers

Sports organizer

JK “ANA” , Bakar under the jurisdiction of Croatian Sailing Federation.

General organizer

General organizer is PBZ Leasing, Radnička 44, Zagreb.

2. Rules

2.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules (RRS).

2.2 Following rules will apply:

a) International Measurement System IMS

b) IMS regulations

c) Special Regulations for Category 4 regatta

2.3 RRS changes

a) RRS 51 Movable ballast will not apply for OPEN RACER division

b) RRS 55 is ammended as follows: However, discarding elastic or wool bands when setting a sail will not be considered a breach of rule 55

2.4 In case of dispute text in English will prevail.

3. Advertising

ISAF Code of advertising will apply. All boats shall display advertisements provided by the organizer which have to be displayed as forward as possible on the both sides of the first 20% of the hull. While not competing boats shall display flags given by the organizer. Organizer may also require setting the camera on the boat, at no cost to competitors, as well as devices for monitoring the position in real time.

4. Eligibility

All sailing boats as follows:

ORC International: valid ORC International certificate for 201.

OPEN: boat licence

All competitors shall be verified at their national sailing federations.

5. Divisions

Boats will be distributed in divisions depending of number of entries:

ORC International

Division A – Boats with ORC International certificates and GPH <601.0 s / NM

Division B – Boats with ORC International certificates and GPH> = 601.1 s / NM

OPEN – boats may be divided in divisions depending of number of entries.

Division Racer – racing division ( boats which use set of front sails, sail cloth material different than dacron, generally all boats that not meet the requirements for division Nauta)

Division Nauta – amateur division (boats with dakron sails, only one front sail – genoa and mandatory furling for front sail)

Divisions Professional i Nauta will be additionaly divided according to the number of registered boats. Eventual margin may be 12 and 15 meters and movable balast criteria might be applied.

Divisions will be scored separately. Race Committee may change the divisions (ORC and OPEN) according to the number of registered boats. Division may be constituded with a minimum of five boats per division

Overall winner of Eastern Regatta will be declared according to overall rank of the entries within the ORC International system.

6. Entry fee and registration

Entries should be send to PBZ Leasing d.o.o. till March 31st 2017 phone numbers: 01/6363-600 and fax.01/6363-563, contact: Sanja Brozovic e-mail: You can register through the online application form.

Entry fee is free of charge.

7. Registration

7.1 Each Owner or Skipper must personally register in the race office in the hotel Palace on Wednesday 5.04.2017 from 17:00 till 22:00 hours.

7.2 The following documents must be presented at registration:

a) Valid ORC International certificate (system ORC International) or boat licence (OPEN)

b) Advertising license issued by respective National Authority, if sailboats displays any advertisement.

c) Crew List with names , licence number and weight for each member (weight is required only for ORC International system).

d) vignette CSF

This changes rule 78.2 RRS.

7.3 ORC certificate may not be altered after April 4th 2017 unless prescribed by the Measurement committee and with the permission of the Protest committee.

7.4 Measurement protests by the boats may be accepted up to two hours after the entry list with ratings is posted.

8. Program

Wednesday April 5th Registration

Thursday April 6th 10:00 “Upwind-downwind” race(s)

Friday, April 7th 10:00 Offshore race(s) (stop over planned in Stari Grad) – Upwind-downwind” race(s)

Saturday , April 8th 10:00 “Upwind-downwind” race(s)

For all divisions maximum 6 races is planned. There will be no more than 3 races in one day. Worse score will be discarded if 4 or more races are completed.

Announcement of the winners and award in Arsenal, April 8th 2017 at 20:00 hours.

Organizer reserves the right to change the programme.

9. Measurement

All boats competing in ORC International division shall have valid certificate for 2017. Boats without a certificate can apply for a measurement to the CSF Measurement Committee chairman: Zoran Grubiša (tel./fax.051-371-045, e-mail:

Application for the measurement shall be received till March 31st 2017. Subsequent applications will not be accepted and boats without certificates may participate in the regatta only in OPEN system. Boats will not be measured immediately before the regatta. A boat may obtain ORC International certificate through respective MNA – in Croatia authority is Croatian Sailing Federation. CSF office: (tel.021-345-788, fax.021-344-334, E-mail:

10. Sailing Instructions

Sailing instructions will be available to every registered boat upon registration.

11. Nautical charts

Sailing instructions will mention Croatian Hydrographical Institute nautical charts.

12. Berths and accommodation

The city of Hvar has provided free berths for the boats in the port of Hvar. Berths in ACI Marina Palmižana are available.

Organizers in cooperation with „Sunčani Hvar“ offers special accomodation prices for entries and their quests.

13. Media rights

Competitors, owners and their guests grants the organizer the right to use all photographs and video footage taken of persons and boats during the event in the media, including advertising, press materials for any other promotional activities, or press notices.

14. Prizes

Awards will be announced later.

15. Exemption from liability

All those taking part in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. The organising authority, JK ANA, PBZ, CSF and any other party involved in the organisation of the 21st Easter Regatta disclaim any and all responsibility whatsoever for loss, damage injury or inconvenience that might occur to persons and materials, both ashore and at sea as a consequence of participation in the event. Each boat owner or his representative accepts these terms by signing entry form. The attention of competitors is drawn to ISAF Part 1 Fundamental Rule 4: A boat is solely responsible for deciding whether or not to start or to continue racing..

16. More information

For further information please contact:

PBZ Leasing d.o.o.

Contact person: Sanja Brozovic

Tel. 01 6363 600

Fax 01 6363 563



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