I was actually looking for some quite evening, hoping to get my kid to bed bit earlier after we have been out so much this week – to a concert in Hvar and KUD Jelsa folklore performance in Jelsa yesterday, which both were great, but the lack of sleep is getting to me slowly so I was thinking dinner and some book-reading before going to bed activities.
But as we were having the dinner on our terrace, we noticed, there are chairs prepared at the St. Ivan´s Square again, so we just went down to check if there is another event/performance worth visiting. And it was.
The charming Bojana Sovilj was awaiting us to perform several variations from Ramon, Mozart, Beethoven and Grieg. With a simple but professional introduction to each piece, she took us on a small journey through the history of classical music, which must have been great for those young future piano stars in the audience listening to every tone and every word Bojana said.

The atmosphere of the St. Ivan´s Square was just about right for a classical music concert with dimmed lights and candles. The setting was almost perfect except for the Jelsa Museum area just next to the “stage” as there must have been another exhibition opening with people mingling and talking. But the very professional Bojana was not having herself distracted and so, we all enjoyed this beautiful evening.

Thank you Bojana for the performance and for sharing your love for piano and classical music with us. We hope, there will be an opportunity to welcome you in Jelsa again soon.