Price of Croatian Tobacco Products to Rise as of Monday

Lauren Simmonds

Updated on:

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, at a recent government session, a decree was readily adopted which will increase excise duties placed on Croatian tobacco and related tobacco products from March the 1st this year, which will naturally lead to an increase in prices for the end user”The specific excise duty in the amount of 400 kuna per thousand cigarettes is increasing (when compared to the previous 370 kuna). The minimum excise duty will be increased to 888 kuna compared to the current 824 kuna.

The amount of excise duty for fine-cut tobacco is set to increase to 860 kuna per kilogram compared to 800 kuna, which is what it is now. Excise duties on heated tobacco products is what is set to increase the most – from the existing 800 kuna to as much as 1,400 kuna.

Excise duties placed on e-liquids aren’t going to change price-wise,” explained Finance Minister Zdravko Maric when discussing the upcoming Croatian tobacco product price increases. He also stated that the decision on the final price for consumers lies with the producers themselves, but also that according to the calculations of the Ministry of Finance, a pack of cigarettes should not increase by more than two kuna for the end consumer.


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