Damir Kedžo Takes Dora 2020!

Total Croatia News

March 1, 2020 – Damir Kedžo is the winner of Dora 2020!

February 29 is an important day for all Croatians and lovers of the Eurovision Song Contest. Namely, in Opatija, one of the most charming cities along the Croatian coast, Dora 2020 was held, which is the Croatian contest for the Eurovision Song Contest.

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Out of sixteen singers, there is just one good enough to represent Croatia in Rotterdam. On Saturday night, Croatia made its choice: Damir Kedžo was the winner the song ‘Divlji vjetre’ (Wild wind). 

A simple outfit, no fireworks, no extravagant lightning, just Damir Kedžo, and five powerful female backing vocalists. How did he succeed? Maybe the answer to this question is what he kept repeating: “I feel this song. I felt it at the moment I first heard it.”


The second place was given to one of the youngest contestants, Mia Negovetić. Mia is only 17 years old but knows no boundaries when it comes to singing. The song “When It Comes To You” is written by a Swedish team, and Mia. What else could we expect from someone who appeared on Little Big Shots in the US and absolutely smashed Beyonce’s song ‘Listen’ when she was 13 years old? Way to go, Mia! 


(Mia on Little Big Shots)


While many people were sure that Indira was going to win, you could hear someone saying: “I think this is just like Luka Nižetić from the last year.”

With powerful singing and dancing, the colorful performance of Indira took 3rd place. The co-author of her song ‘You Will Never Break My Heart’ is Doron Medalie, whose song ‘Toy’, performed by Netta, won the Eurovision Song Contest 2018. Is that why Netta canceled her performance at Dora 2020, or she really did catch a cold? In this time of Corona, one can’t be sure.


There were some more than typical songs, while for some, Eurovision was a bit of an unattainable goal. When talking about unusual songs, the first award would definitely go to Alea Neon with the song ‘Zovi ju mama’ (Call her mom). The members of her band were plants; to be precise, she performed with kale and pine on stage. As she said: “These songs are a green anthem, my response to the fires both here and around the world and an invitation to have a closer experience with Mother Earth.”


Another interesting contestant was Nikola Marjanović with the song ‘Let’s forgive’. The message of the song is, I believe, is more than apparent. But, the detail that made a significant change was the woman who was on the stage with Nikola, translating the song in sign language. Quite unique, new, and unusual to see. 


Although Lorenzo, Dino Purić, and Reper iz Sobe did not get the highest points, they seemed like they had a great time on stage. The guys played by themselves which was a rare thing to see at Dora 2020. Their song was the so-called the anthem for Croatians; Vrati se iz Irske (Come back from Ireland). They sang about olives, water from “our well” and pasta that cools while expatriates are away from home. A cheap song or powerful message? Let the number of returnees who came back because of this song decide.


Marin Jurić Čivro, the humble legend with a natural R&R touch, came to Dora with a pop song. Why is that so, we can only keep asking that ourselves. It’s a pity, because he is capable of much more. Despite that, singing while lying down, when the pressure of importance makes it even harder, was pretty impressive.  


The other singers in the race for Dora 2020 included Colonia, Jure Brkljača, Lorena Bućan, Đana Smajo (who is only 16 years old!), Alen Vitasović ft. Božidarka Matija Čerina, Zdenka Kovačiček, Edi Abazi, Bojan Jambrošić and Elis Lovrić. 

Dora 2020 was opened and closed by last year’s winner, Roko Blažević. On Saturday night, he handed over the baton (microphone) to Damir Kedžo. Damir, we wish you all the best in Rotterdam. May as many people as possible feel the song in the way you do. If so, Croatia will get higher than ever.

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