Eastern Orthodox Christians Celebrate Easter

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, April 8, 2018 – Eastern Orthodox Christians, who follow the old Julian calendar, were celebrating Easter on Sunday, and Serb Metropolitan Bishop Porfirije led a liturgy in the Temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Zagreb.

Extending his best wishes to the faithful, Porfirije said that “man can find the meaning of life only in the resurrected Christ, which requires a sincere personal relationship with God.” He said that Christ’s resurrection “defies death, transience and the evil which shackles the world today.”

Porfirije called on the faithful “to pray to God for light, joy, peace and love to enter the hearts of all people so that they realise that love and a readiness to accept and understand every person is the only way to follow God’s path and recognise the icon of God in every person.”

The Easter message issued by the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Irinej, was read during the liturgy.

Easter liturgies were also held in Vinkovci and other towns and villages in Croatia where Christian Orthodox communities are present.


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