Harfa International School – Now enrolling generation 2023/2024!

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May 17, 2023 – The international school scene has blossomed in Croatia in recent years – time to enrol at Harfa International School for next year.

It’s that time of year again, the most stressful for parents and an important milestone for children: school enrollment. In Croatia, the school year starts in September and ends in June. Typically, during May, children undergo testing, and decisions are made regarding their entry into the schooling system and enrollment in the first grade. Children usually begin first grade between the ages of 6.5 and 7.5. If everything meets certain expectations, after initial school interviews, medical exams, as well as psychological and basic academic tests, the child receives an “ok.” Parents feel overwhelming pride, and celebrations ensue among grandparents, aunts, uncles, and close friends. Everyone is excited and eager to witness their little one embark on a new chapter in life: school. However, reality often sets in, and disappointment follows. The main question many of us face is, “How is it possible that everything changes, but education remains the same?” What is education preparing children for in today’s world? As parents, we have numerous unanswered questions that leave us frightened and frustrated.


Education is an essential part of every child’s life, and it is crucial to choose a place that will help your child reach their full potential and prepare them for the future. As school enrollment season is underway, parents are now considering schools that provide a well-rounded education focusing on more than just academics. The traditional education system has long been criticized for failing to address the emotional needs of children. It has been overly focused on competition and excelling in everything, often neglecting the unique talents and interests of individuals. Unfortunately, many of the tragedies we witness worldwide are partly a result of this educational focus.

With the increasing number of dissatisfied parents and children who struggle to understand the existing education system, schools that offer something different are becoming more and more appealing. These schools provide better opportunities for our children, adequate preparation for the future, and, most importantly, a framework for their growth into happy, successful, and resilient young individuals. 

Harfa International School is certainly one of the leaders in this region, attracting people not only from other parts of Croatia but from all over the world. Why? Harfa strives to create an educational system that prioritizes the emotional needs of children as the foundation for developing intrinsic motivation for learning. This serves as not only a basis for academic excellence but also for success in life in general. 


As a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and a school that emphasizes social-emotional learning (SEL), Harfa offers a well-rounded learning experience that develops skills to thrive in an unpredictable future. Let’s explore some of the most important skills Harfa is dedicated to developing in children: 

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

In today’s world, it is not sufficient to merely memorize facts and information; students need to analyze and interpret information, using it to solve complex problems. Education should focus on developing students’ analytical skills, teaching them how to identify problems, gather information, and develop solutions. 

Creativity and Innovation

The world is constantly changing, and students need to think outside the box, generating new ideas and solutions. Education should encourage students to be creative, take risks, and experiment with new ideas.


Technology Skills

In today’s world, technology is ubiquitous, and it is essential for students to learn how to use it effectively. Education should focus on teaching students how to use technology, navigate the digital world, and stay safe online. This includes not only learning specific tools and software but also developing an understanding of how technology works and how it can be used to solve problems. 

Communication and Collaboration

Education should prioritize the development of students’ communication skills, encompassing both written and oral communication. Students learn how to work collaboratively with others, manage conflicts, and function as part of a team.


Global Citizenship

Finally, education should prepare students to be global citizens, fostering an understanding and appreciation of different cultures and perspectives. This includes developing awareness of global issues, such as climate change and human rights, and learning how to collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds. 

So, how does Harfa achieve these goals? One important approach is by ensuring personalized and individualized education. Students learn best when they are engaged and interested in the material, and when the learning is tailored to their specific needs and interests. This means that education should be flexible and adaptable, allowing students to learn at their own pace and in their own unique way. And this is precisely what Harfa is dedicated to developing.

As a premier educational institution offering a distinctive and high-quality educational experience for children, Harfa International School stands out from other schools for several reasons:


Bilingual Education

Harfa International School provides a bilingual education program, with English as the formal school language and Croatian taught as the host country’s language. Bilingual education has been proven to provide cognitive benefits to children, such as increased problem-solving skills and improved communication abilities. In higher grades, additional elective languages are offered. Pretty cool, right?

Hero Teachers

Dedicated to creating a supportive and challenging learning environment that nurtures a love of learning in students, the teachers at Harfa are the real superheroes of this story. They provide personalized attention to each student, ensuring they receive the best possible education along with the necessary emotional support. And that’s the most important thing a parent asks for!

Innovative Curriculum and Methodology

Harfa International School follows an innovative curriculum designed to engage and challenge students. The curriculum combines Croatian national curriculum learning outcomes with the best international educational methodologies, including the IB (International Baccalaureate) program and an approach based on social-emotional learning (SEL). The curriculum is regularly updated to remain relevant and aligned with cutting-edge scientific recommendations for the teaching and learning process. At Harfa International School, the curriculum is designed not only to prepare students for success but also to help them develop as well-rounded individuals.


Beautiful and Safe Environment

Situated in a green and picturesque setting, the school’s facilities are designed to enhance students’ learning experience. Students have the opportunity to play outdoors and utilize the space in alignment with Harfa’s project-based learning approach. 

Extracurricular Activities

Harfa offers a wide range of afternoon workshops covering various needs and interests. These activities provide students with the opportunity to explore their interests and develop their talents outside of the classroom. The school organizes numerous field trips and events, ensuring that students have a well-rounded educational experience. The more experiences they have, the more they learn about themselves, which is crucial for making life choices, right?

By integrating social-emotional learning and cutting-edge academic approaches into the educational process, Harfa prepares children for the future and helps them succeed in an ever-changing world.

Are you searching for a high-quality educational institution and a happy place for your child? A school that students prefer even during the holidays? A school where kids love to come and learn? Then take note that Harfa International School is now open for enrollment for the 2023/2024 school year.


Reach out and make an appointment to meet the team and book a school tour: e-mail: [email protected] , telephone: +385 99 380 1295 or website: www.posh.hr 

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Harfa International School – School for the Future

This article is in paid partnership with Harfa International School


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