ULTRA Europe Survival Guide: 10 Festival Do’s and Don’ts

Daniela Rogulj

Updated on:

ULTRA Europe music festival officially begins today in the Dalmatian capital of Split. Because thousands of happy-go-lucky ravers from all parts of the world will be parading through our city over the next few days, we thought we would give out a few pointers to make this weekend as painless as possible.

Exactly how does one survive ULTRA Europe? This guide of do’s and don’ts should help you make the most of your music festival experience in Split – listen closely. 

DON’T litter. Unfortunately, ULTRA is often remembered by the amount of trash left behind by careless festivalgoers. Do your part to keep the areas around Poljud and the city of Split clean. There are plenty of bins around the city where your trash can find its home – don’t be lazy, respect the environment you are in, and play your part!

DO stay hydrated and drink plenty of water! The weather in Split this weekend is not so festival friendly, and blazing hot temperatures in the low 30’s (Celsius) are sure to wipe you out, and fast. Since there is no excuse not to be drinking water (remember, the tap water here IS good, regardless of what your country might say), we are looking forward to seeing thousands of hydrated and happy festivalgoers this weekend. And no, beer (or clear liquor) is not water.

DON’T disrespect the locals. To put yourselves in our shoes, over the course of a weekend, an extra 40,000 music festival tourists pack our city on top of the tourists and cruise ships we already have visiting. Since we want to make the experience as enjoyable for you as possible, please give back. Don’t be an arsehole to the shop clerks selling you a plethora of booze, don’t be the loud and obnoxious group at a restaurant in the afternoon before heading to Poljud, don’t forget to tip your wait staff, and for the love of God, don’t climb on top of the tents at the Green Market at 2 am (true story). The locals are the people that make Split as special as it is, so please, please, please, don’t mess with their livelihoods.

DO pace yourself. While it’s safe to assume that most of the ULTRA crowd will be taking part in a healthy bit of partying, it’s quite easy to avoid overdoing it. If you are going to consume, please consume responsibly. Spending three days at a music festival already takes its toll – be smart and take care of yourselves, your friends, and anyone around you that may need a helping hand.

DON’T walk around the city center in your swimsuit. The organizers of ULTRA Europe sent out out a press release yesterday with some crucial information most festivalgoers are bound to miss: if you’re wearing a swimsuit around the city center you may be subject to a 500 HRK fine! We know it’s hot and trust us, we are melting too, but please put your t-shirt back on while you’re walking down our Riva and through the alleyways of Diocletian’s Palace. And hey, avoid the fine so you can spend more money on booze (as long as you pace yourselves and drink plenty of water, of course).

DO prepare accordingly. Make sure to wear sunscreen, have the extra battery to your mobile phone charged, wear comfortable shoes, have your tickets, cash, cards, and ID ready, leave your valuables at home, bring hand sanitizer and wet wipes (and extra toilet paper), and follow the rules and regulations upon entry to the festival. As we wrote yesterday, plastic and transparent bags are okay to bring in (and so are small clutch bags and fanny packs) but large rucksacks are a no no. If you do need to bring a bag into the festival, it must be no larger than 33×43 cm.

DON’T trash your accommodation facility. We know that you won’t be spending an awful lot of time here, but please try to put your savageness to bed when you arrive home at 6 am after a full day of partying. We know that many of you will want to throw after parties, and while we can’t stop you, we can advise that you keep them tame. Throwing ragers when your brain is barely functioning usually never leads to something good, and to avoid getting the police involved, be smart. Don’t break anything, don’t blast music, and please pick up after yourselves – we have a full summer of tourists ahead we need to accommodate after you leave.

DO remember to eat. Music festivals come and go, and before you know it, you’re at the end of day three with nothing substantial in your stomach since the morning of day one. Lucky for you, Split has an incredible selection of restaurants and fast food options for you to choose from. And if you need to save a buck? Visit our supermarkets instead to, at the very least, fry up some eggs at your apartment in the morning. 

DON’T be that guy (or girl). This one is pretty straightforward, although there is always one bad egg in the group that takes it too far. Don’t be a nuisance. Don’t get too drunk and think you are the king of the world (you’ll wake up in the morning and realize that you aren’t, I’m sorry). Don’t start altercations in public for the sake of your ego; no one cares but you (and maybe the guy you’re trying to fight for no reason). Don’t start taking your clothes off in public (I know you think we want to see it, but we don’t), and please, stop being so loud. 

DO have fun. Welcome to Split, what many of us consider to be the most beautiful city in the world. If you aren’t aware, you’re walking through Emperor Diocletian’s Palace right now, and it’s 1700 years old. Split is a living and breathing UNESCO World Heritage Site, and we are really, really proud to be here. Enjoy our coffee, our food, our beaches, and our people, and if all goes well, we will enjoy your company too. 


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