November 15, 2023 – The Committee for the Commemoration of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Vukovar 1991-2023, whose president is the Mayor of Vukovar Ivan Penava, adopted the Program of this year’s Vukovar Remembrance Day, which will take place under the slogan “Vukovar – My Choice for Better or for Worse”.
The program marking the 32nd anniversary of the Vukovar tragedy consists of traditional manifestations and events of a cultural and educational nature, as well as some new content.
The central commemorative program begins on November 17 at 7:00 p.m. on the grounds of the National Memorial Hospital “dr. Juraj Njavro”. The Vukovar clergy and Klapa “Sveti Juraj” HRM will traditionally lead the prayer and candles will be lit.
The program “Vukovar – My Choice for Better or for Worse” starts on November 18 at 10:00 a.m. on the grounds of the National Memorial Hospital “dr. Juraj Njavro” Vukovar. The program is performed by Klapa “St. Juraj” HRM, the best Croatian tambura players, and actor Darko Milas.
This year, the 25th Parade of Remembrance will pass through Vukovar.

For a quarter of a century, this commemorative gathering, which is also the only living monument to the victims of the Homeland War, has been growing and developing thanks to Vukovar veterans’ associations, the clergy, town companies and institutions, and the City of Vukovar.
At 10:30 a.m. the Parade of Remembrance led by the Croatian defenders of Vukovar together with the family members of the Croatian defenders of Vukovar, headed by members of the Croatian Defense Forces who defended the city, will move through the following streets: Gundulićeva, Vesne Bosanac, Županijska, Strossmayerova, Dr. Franje Tuđmana, Croatian Veterans Square, Stjepan Radić, Slavija Square, Ban Josip Jelačić to the Memorial Cemetery of the victims of the Homeland War, where wreaths will be laid in a tribute ceremony for the victims of Vukovar.
At 12:30 p.m., a holy mass for all victims of the Homeland War will be held at the Memorial Cemetery of the Homeland War victims. The mass is led by the archbishop, Msgr. Giorgio Lingua, Apostolic Nuncio in the Republic of Croatia.
On November 19, the sacrifice of the Borovo settlement for the Homeland will be commemorated, and on November 20, the victims of Velepromet and Ovčara will be honored.
These are important and impactful days for the residents of Vukovar, as well as those who visit. Read all about it here.