52nd Business Café in Zagreb – From Croatia for the Whole World

Total Croatia News

May 13, 2019 – The 52nd Business Café will be held in Zagreb on Thursday, May 16th at 7 p.m. at Hotel Academia, Tkalčićeva 88. 

Guest speakers will be renowned serial entrepreneurs Damir Sabol and Andrija Čolak. 

Sabol is known for starting and selling ISKON telecom, then starting and selling Računi.hr; he currently runs Microblink and the world famous Photomath mobile application used by more than 100 million people. 

Čolak is known for his Surf’n’Fries franchise business run on 4 continents and in 20 countries. He also started and has managed Kisha and Porthop apps. 

More info in Croatian, as well as tickets (priced at HRK 200/EUR 26), can be found HERE.

A part of the income will be donated to the Portal dobrote charity. 

Business Café events for small entrepreneurs have been organized for the past nine years in seven countries and more than 25 cities. 

There have been more than 20 000 visitors at more than 300 events and more than 700 entrepreneurs shared their entrepreneurial journeys, while more than 30 million euros worth of deals has been made. Usually, there are around 100 to 200 visitors and the events last 2 hours. 

Business Café’s main message is that you are not alone and that you can make it even here despite everything and everyone. 

So, find your tribe and grow your business. 

More info about the whole project is available on www.businesscafe.info 

Sponsors are: Nivea – Beiersdorf, Labud (Meteor Grupa), Tim Lisak Catering, Opereta, Caffemanija, Sana delikatese, Sultan drinks, BIRO 59, AeroPrint, Moja asistenca, Diglossia Translation Company, Androlić konzalting, Fensi Šmensi, Domellla and Biteart.

Media coverage by: NOVA TV, portals dnevnik.hr, naturala.hr, womeninadria.com, samopozitivno.com, poslovni-savjetnik.com, TotalCroatiaNews.com; Diplomacy and Commerce, Surove strasti podcast, Poduzetnik, Plavi radio, Čitaj knjigu blog, A portal, media-marketing.com, bgonline.rs 


Kristina Ercegović, EMBA


091 1555228 



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