July the 23rd, 2024 – 12.5 million euros in ACI investments are currently being planned in Croatia, as is dealing with the troublesome issue of concessions, and much more.
As Ana Roksandic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Croatian tourism is now entering the very height of the summer tourist season with promising and extremely positive trends. On the coast alone, 25.8 million overnight stays have been realised so far which is two percent more than last year, according to data from the eVisitor system.
Croatia’s highly irregular and deeply indented coastline boasting over one thousand islands is also second to none for sailing. On top of that, the glorious Adriatic Sea is one of the calmest and clearest in the entire Mediterranean. When looking more deeply at the endless well of nautical tourism potential, not to mention its global competitiveness, it makes sense to talk to Kristijan Pavić, the president of the ACI Management Board.
what were aci’s pre-season business results like?

This year, Easter was celebrated a little earlier than usual, on March the 31st. That means that Croatia’s nautical season itself started earlier than usual. We can say that due to the Euros and the upcoming Olympic Games, lower frequency was felt in certain periods. That said, we started the season itself encouraged by a noticeable increase in business income recorded over the first quarter, when we earned 5.7 million euros.
Although we corrected our prices only minimally this year, less than the inflation rate itself, business revenues in the first quarter grew by 11 percent compared to the same period last year. As a joint-stock company listed on the Zagreb Stock Exchange, we aren’t yet allowed to talk about the results of the second quarter, but we can say that the growth of income in the first quarter speaks in favour of the fact that Croatian nautical tourism is very stable.
With the usual certain variations that are typically seen throughout the season, we believe we’ll end up talking about another successful season when the summer is over.
what do aci investments in croatia look like for 2024?

In the first quarter of this year, 0.5 million euros in capital ACI investments were realised in Croatia. They were primarily aimed at maintaining the quality, i.e., safety in providing services to boaters. To the greatest extent, that sum relates to the rehabilitation of anchor systems in the ACI marinas in Rab, Skradin and “Veljko Barbieri” in Slano.
Furthermore, strategic ACI investments in Croatia carrying a total value of 12.5 million euros are planned for this year. Their realisation largely depends on the solution to the issue of extension of concession contracts, therefore the management of the company is paying special attention to this topic and taking intensive steps to ensure that issues are promptly resolved.
Last year was the jubilee year for ACI. What were the results?

In 2023, we celebrated 40 years since the founding of the company, and ACI achieved a record 35.9 million euros in business revenue. At the same time, sales revenues were higher by 2.9 million euros compared to 2023, or 9 percent, amounting to 34.6 million euros. The most significant growth was recorded in the annual connection service, in the amount of 2.1 million euros.
In 2023, a positive gross financial result in the amount of 3.8 million euros and EBITDA in the amount of 12.7 million euros was achieved. All of ACI’s marinas achieved growth in 2023, and individual growth of more than 0.2 million euros was recorded in six marinas – Dubrovnik, Rovinj, Cres, Skradin, Trogir and Umag. The growth of total revenues of 3.2 million euros is the expected result of a slight increase in physical indicators, it’s also solid proof that ACI has very successfully responded to the competition with its commercial conditions, as well as having assessed the market situation well.
How would you rate the global competitiveness of Croatian nautical tourism?

I don’t think there is any room for hiding the reality or for engaging in false modesty. Croatia can proudly and justifiably say that it is at the very top in the nautical tourism segment. Croatia has numerous advantages, first of all the heavily indented coastline that allows sailors to see and visit a large number of destinations, and beautiful places to visit, in a short time and without much effort.
Sailing along the Croatian coastline is safe, or safer – compared to most others, and even those in the neighbourhood or on the other side of the Adriatic in Italy. The Croatian coast is largely protected from currents, tides and winds. The conditions for sailing are favourable in every sense, and the beauty of Croatia’s crystal clear sea, historical heritage and sights, and cultural wealth don’t even need words to speak for them.
Last year, Croatia achieved 161 million euros in income excluding VAT through nautical tourism ports, which is an increase of 12.1 percent compared to 2022. It’s certainly one of the key segments of Croatian tourism. If we add to all the above the development of high-tech solutions, modern nautical infrastructure and the green energy transition, which has been in special focus in recent times, we can certainly say that Croatian nautical tourism is something we can be extremely proud of.
How is the green transition being carried out in the nautical sector?

We can say that today Croatia has come a very long way in terms of the green transition and sustainability when it comes to nautical tourism. We’re pleased that it was ACI that recognised the importance of caring for the environment and preserving nature for future generations and the entire community. Some of the concrete examples of the green transition in the nautical sector are the environmental actions that ACI continuously implements in cooperation with local communities, diving clubs and volunteers, thereby contributing to the preservation of the environment and nature.
Internationally recognised Blue Flags have been flying at ACI marinas for several decades now, which are proof of our responsible management of the sea and the coastline. Additionally, ACI is one of the first companies from the Croatian tourism sector to be certified with 4 ISO certificates. Most of our marinas are digitised – they use a rational energy management system, which has led to significant energy savings over the years.
Then we have the fact that ACI also recently joined the membership of the International Institute for Climate Action (IICA). At the Future Green Business conference, ACI also received this year’s prize for the most educated in the field of ESG. That all shows how much importance ACI attaches to this particular topic. In cooperation with the Green Sail international association, education and training sessions on the importance of the green transition of the nautical sector were held in ACI marinas all over the coast.
what are the biggest challenges faced by aci currently?

The biggest challenge for us at the moment is the extension of the concessions that expire in 2030 for all our marinas. Concessions not only dictate the pace, but also determine the realisation of all planned future ACI investments in Croatia.
Is nautical tourism sufficiently recognised in Croatia?

Nautical tourism is niche-oriented – not everyone owns, rents, or sails boats. That makes it quite a specific branch of tourism that refers to a smaller part of the population. However, the benefits of successful nautical tourism are felt by everyone.
A season that lasts longer than the usual summer tourist season, guests who have an average daily expenditure higher than other guests, are generally environmentally conscious, etc. However, in order for any marina to fully come to life, additional content is needed that will attract boaters, make them want to come, stay and also return.
They will enjoy the gastronomy, visit cultural and historical sights, come for certain events, be won over by the kindness of the service staff and the resident population, etc. It’s necessary for the entire destination to recognise this potential and then follow through with the development of Croatian nautical tourism, which, in turn, will enable destinations to further develop.
A marina without symbiosis with the city and the surrounding economy has no future. In addition to that, the proper inclusion of the marina in the destination can significantly contribute to the development of the destination itself. Let’s just recall the numerous places along the Croatian coast that have established themselves precisely because of the construction of marinas.