Glas Poduzetnika Survey on Croatian Tourist Season 2020 Status

Total Croatia News


April 12, 2020 – While nobody now expects a strong Croatian tourism season, what is the actual situation with bookings. Glas Poduzetnik, the Voice of Entrepreneurs association presents its findings. 

What can we expect from the tourist season 2020? A question for many in the tourism sector, but also for those who are not directly related to it, given there will be many indirect consequences. Following our survey on the usefulness and expectations that entrepreneurs (especially in the field of tourism) have from tourist boards, we were interested in further exploring this topic. Expectations for the season are undoubtedly poor, and it seems that significant help from the tourist boards is not counted on. We were interested in what is currently happening with tourist accommodation lessors and their bookings? We got the following results:

56% of lessors sustained a considerable drop in reservations or sales of their accommodation capacities. Another 4% of them advised that they had a medium-size decline with the beginning of April. Somewhat reassuringly, about 16%, fortunately, counts only a slight decrease in the number of bookings or sales for their accommodation capacities. Unfortunately, another 21% reported a large number of cancellations for existing reservations or previously sold arrangements. Only slightly less than 3% of participants said that there is no decrease in the number of bookings, or it is minimal.


I have a considerable drop in reservations/sales of accommodation capacities

I have a slight decline in reservations/sales of accommodation capacities

I have a medium-size drop in reservations/sales of accommodation capacities

Most of my reservations/sales of accommodation capacities have been canceled

I have no decrease in reservations/sales of accommodation capacities

Some of my reservations/sales of accommodation capacities have been canceled

This is yet another confirmation that we will have a challenging tourist season, and especially for all those categories that will not be able to realize the new income until the season 2021, which is now also difficult to predict. Given the size of this sector, we should certainly think carefully about additional intervention options to avoid domino effect causing even more damage.

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