Employees Worried about Future of Croatia Airlines

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, February 14, 2018 – A delegation of Croatia Airlines employees on Wednesday informed the Minister of the Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butković, of an analysis of the company’s current situation and possible solutions to problems that have emerged, and the minister reacted positively and further cooperation was agreed, said Ivan Šimundić of the Croatian Union of Transport Pilots (HSPP).

The situation in the company is poor and steps in a positive direction aren’t visible, but we hope that the meeting will help us take the right direction, Šimundić said after meeting with the minister.

Šimundić claimed that the company’s management is currently the biggest problem because, he said, it is continuing with the 25 year-old tradition of business management model that was current in the 1990s and it is still being implemented today even though the airline industry is one that is changing the most and one year in that industry is like five or ten in other industries. What was unimaginable five years ago today is possible and alliances that were once firm are being terminated today and new ones made, he added.

The Croatian market has grown by 40% in the past five years. Croatia Airlines has retained its share and after its restructure, which began in 2012, we have seen the start of 2018 in a significantly worse position in all indicators and segments with the exception of slightly better seat occupancy, Šimundić warned.

“The minister informed us that the selection procedure for president and members of the management board has been annulled,” Šimundić said and added that new job vacancies for those positions would be advertised next week.


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