Hospitality Businesses Say ‘Coffee to Go’ Won’t Help

Total Croatia News

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Commenting on the government’s decision to allow hospitality businesses to sell coffee to go as of 15 February, which restaurants were allowed to do until now but cafes were not, Žaklina Troskot of the Independent Association of Hospitality Businesses, which is part of the national association, told Hina that there is nothing much to say about the decision and that it would have a psychological rather than a financial effect.

“This corrects a certain injustice and we believe that now all hospitality businesses will be able to sell coffee to go but we do not know the details until they are officially released and we have read them. The decision does not mean much financially for hospitality businesses but it could have a psychological effect,” said Troskot, underlining that the most important thing was to secure finances for them to continue operating.

“We expect the government to adopt measures to maintain business operations because even when we do open, we will not have anything to work with, just like we don’t have now. Last year we worked for a total of six months with a limited turnover and six months without any income, and if the government does not introduce any measures, it will be difficult to save businesses,” stressed Troskot.

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