
2020 Golden Kuna Awards go to HS Produkt, Gamepires, GT Trade, PBZ…

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Suzana Varosanec writes, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce’s 2020 Golden Kuna awards were awarded recently for the 25th time, ...

Marić: 2023 Realistic Year for Croatia’s Euro Area Entry

Total Croatia News

Marić made the statement at a conference of economists in Opatija, speaking online from home where he is isolating after ...

Istrian Communal Company Becomes First to Accept Cryptocurrencies!

Lauren Simmonds

A more digital future is rapidly approaching, and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has forced the world to step up its ...

J. Duval

Croatia’s Jan-Sept 2021 Exports Increase by 24.9%, Imports by 20.6%

Total Croatia News

The foreign trade deficit increased by HRK 6.2 billion to HRK 53.1 billion. Coverage of imports by exports was 65.4%. ...

Hungry for Labour: Croatian Employment Rate Above Pre-Crisis Levels

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Jadranka Dozan writes, due to slow but steady domestic economic recovery, the total Croatian employment rate exceeded the ...

Slovenian Petrol Not Interested in Croatian Oil and Gas Exploration

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Brnic writes, before the Slovenian Petrol completed their acquisition of Crodux Derivati Dva (2), the company informed ...

Rijeka Port to Become Largest in Northern Adriatic Sea in Few Years?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Suzana Varosanec writes, by signing a 50-year concession agreement for the Rijeka Gateway, APM Terminals and ENNA have formally ...

Polish Allegro Purchases Mall Group, of Which Croatian is a Part

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Darko Bicak writes, the Polish Allegro, one of the largest e-commerce platforms in all of Europe, is taking ...


Gross International Reserves Reach €24.5 Bn, New Record Amount

Total Croatia News

Since the start of the year, gross international reserves have increased by €5.5 billion or 29.3%. Compared to October 2020, ...

Photo: Mario Romulić

Enterprises in 4 Urban Agglomerations Net HRK 16.2 bn in Profit in 2020

Total Croatia News

The agglomerations were established in 2015 and 2016 under a decision of the Regional Development and EU Funds Ministry. In 2020, ...