Government Meets Civil Protection Headquarters, Are Measure Relaxations Coming?

Lauren Simmonds

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Many have their fingers crossed that some concessions when it comes to the currently very restrictive measures will be made. The measures, while harsh, have yielded success, with Croatia’s new daily cases of coronavirus infection tumbling on an impressive downward trajectory for weeks now. While some government ministers, including the Prime Minister, have voiced their desire for a relaxation, some in the profession have been firm in their answer to that – no. 

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, today, members of the Croatian National Civil Protection Headquarters and government ministers will meet to discuss possible easing of the current epidemiological measures, as was confirmed Interior Minister and Civil Protection Staff Chief Davor Bozinovic at a government session held this week.

At the end of the month, more precisely, on the 31st of January, the current Decision on epidemiological measures restricting gatherings, rules for crossing the Croatian border for various categories of passenger and the work of cafes, restaurants and the like ceases to be valid. In order to see Croatia continue on its current path of success in controlling the spread of the novel coronavirus, new measures and rules will need to be introduced to replace those now expiring ones.

Whether or not Croatia’s good epidemiological picture will result in any of them finally being relaxed to allow for a little more normality is yet to be seen, but it is certain that much more will be known today, and what becomes known will likely be followed with just as many questions, as has been the case to date.

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