Croatia Ranks 38th Among 79 Countries on Huawei’s GCI 2020

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Huawei’s Croatia office on Tuesday released a report on the 2020 GCI, which ranks 79 countries according to their performance in 40 indicators that track the impact of ICT on a nation’s economy, digital competitiveness and future growth.

Last year Croatia climbed up one place and the greatest improvement was achieved in availability, accessibility and security of its broadband Internet access as well as the use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of things, Huawei Croatia underscored. 

“The GCI is a unique quantitative assessment that comprehensively and objectively evaluates connectivity from both a national and industrial perspective” which Huawei launched in 2014 and which presents the situation and annual progress of digitisation “in 79 countries which account for 95 percent of global GDP.

Based on the GCI methodology, Croatia collected 51 points of a possible 120 and ranked 38th. The forerunners on the ladder are the USA with 87 points, followed by Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


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