October 3, 2023 – With the ultimate goal to facilitate travel and improve passenger safety through the latest technological solutions, the Croatian digital passport might become a reality sooner than we’d hoped.
As Poslovni writes, Croatia and Finland are the first EU members to develop and implement the Digital Travel Credential (DTC) project.
The experts of the Croatian Ministry of the Interior and Agency for Commercial Activities have recently completed the development of the IT solution for the digital travel certificate. At the presentation of the project on Cvjetni trg in Zagreb, all interested citizens were offered the opportunity to be among the first to download a digital travel credential into a mobile application and explore what travelling will look like in the future.
“This pilot project, with which we enabled Croatian citizens to be among the first in the world to test the future of travel with a digital travel credential, represents a significant leap towards the modernization and facilitation of travel and the further digitization of administrative procedures both in Croatia and in the EU,” said Jure Sertić, head director of the Agency for Commercial Activities.

Croatian Digital Passport Capabilities
The Croatian digital passport, or the travel certificate, allows for faster and more comfortable travel. It announces border crossings in the mobile application and allows users to use separate exits at border crossings. The technological basis for using a digital travel certificate is the Certilia mobile app.
“In the first testing phase, the service will be available on all Android phones, while the IOS version is expected by the end of the year. To begin with, Croatian digital passports will be used for identity verification and travel from the Zagreb Airport.
As the project develops, the number of border crossings and countries involved will grow until the digital travel credential becomes a universally accepted and standardized document for all EU citizens”, said project manager Ivan Brko.

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