Croatian Motorways Plagued By Dangerous Problem

Lauren Simmonds

croatian motorways

August the 9th, 2024 – Croatian motorways have tragically seen four deaths in less than one single week as a very dangerous new problem arises.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, a dangerous issue has been plaguing Croatian motorways, which has seen four people lose their lives in less than a week. While we witness increased traffic in all directions every day now we’re in the very peak of the tourist season, it isn’t uncommon for short-term stoppages and traffic jams to occur from time to time.

It’s precisely these short-term stoppages that are the problem on Croatian motorways of late, as people use them to get out of their cars and do various kinds of things that are not remotely appropriate for the location they’re in, which can include things as utterly ridiculous as a picnic. When such dangerous behaviour starts, the police have to come out to individual cars on Croatian motorways to issue stark warnings.

“Unfortunately, we’ve been witnessing a negative trend in which people have been getting out of their vehicles. I’d like to use this opportunity to point out that pedestrians have absolutely no place on Croatian motorways. It is exceptionally dangerous for them and also prohibited by law,” Drago Bukovčak from the Zagreb Police Department told Dnevnik Nova TV.

He made sure to note that the fines for pedestrians for getting out of their cars and walking around on Croatian motorways are currently 60 euros. He added that at this moment in time, the most important thing is for the police to come out and act in a preventative fashion to make sure this isn’t happening.

“We will control speeding, which is the most common cause of traffic accidents, we’ll also control whether drivers are using their breaks correctly, all in order to prevent the occurrence of traffic accidents,” he explained.


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