How Will Croatian National Service Look?

Lauren Simmonds

croatian national service

July the 4th, 2024 – Croatian national service is set to make a comeback, and the Defence Ministry has shed light on how it will function in the near future.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the Ministry of Defence recently presented its two models for the somewhat controversial reintroduction of Croatian national service – one of two months and the other spanning a period of three months.

“During those two or three months, those undertaking Croatian national service will only receive basic military skills. They will learn how to handle infantry weapons, both long and short, as well as basic skills of movement on the battlefield, behaviour in military organisation(s), and military structure(s)”, explained Ivan Jušić, director of the Directorate for Human Resources in the Defence Ministry.

It’s also been unofficially circulating that Croatian national service will see those partaking in it paid around 900 euros per month throughout their time serving. It is also being considered that for those who serve it, that period will enter their work experience as well as be an advantage when being hired by future employers.

These planned models should soon be presented to the public, as well as to President Zoran Milanović, who has to rubber stamp it. The decision on the model set to be implemented going forward will ultimately be of a political nature, and the level of support for it could be wider than just from the ruling majority, reports.

For this very reason, it will be necessary to determine which generation will actually be “generation zero” with which everything regarding the reintroduction of Croatian national service will begin.

Every year in Croatia, around 18,000 young men turn 18, but not every single newly crowned male 18 year old would actually be invited. Just as there was before, there will be an appeal of conscience.

“All those who enrol in colleges will have the right to postpone their Croatian national service, with the maximum limit for how long they can postpone their basic military training. Those who are abroad at the time or have any other problems will also be able to get a postponement,” assured Jušić.


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