Croatian Tourism to Face Major Problems Lacking Qualified Workers

Katarina Anđelković

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May 2, 2023 – These days, Opatija is full of cheerful and smiling people eager to have a good time and receive quality service, and this is expected for the whole season, Milan Sesar, owner of the Mali Raj Hotel at the junction of Ičići and Opatija, said in Dnevnik N1. However, he warned that the Croatian tourism sector will face one major obstacle.

“I’m afraid we will have a big problem. Our fridges are full of goods – from fish, meat and other foods, but I am afraid that there is no one to serve and prepare them, that is, a certain number of people will not receive adequate service. This is the biggest problem in our profession – workers are leaving us, and new ones are not coming. People who come to work with us are total beginners who have never worked in this profession. Then by the time they are trained, they leave again”, said Sesar, emphasizing that the whole society must be concerned about the workforce, especially in tourism, as reported by Poslovni.

“Working in tourism is not easy. You need to speak foreign languages, be able to approach guests, be a good salesperson, and that cannot be someone who arrived yesterday from the street. I’m afraid that this will be our biggest problem this summer – that we won’t have anyone to serve, sell, take the euros that the guests are ready to spend”, believes Milan.

As the solution to this problem, he sees two different ways: “One would be to pay these people well, and the other for the entire community to find a formula on how to invest and convince young people to stay here and not move away so that they can have a quality existence and be happy with their work.”

When asked how much the waiters earn in his hotel, he replied that these are internal matters and added:

“My waiter would earn the same as in Italy, if not more. My staff have been working for 25, 30 years each, which is a sign that they are adequately compensated because otherwise, they would not have stayed so long.”

He also said that he personally has no problem with the workforce because their workers have the same salary throughout the year. “When a man knows that he will get an equally good salary and that it is safe, then he will not even think of moving on,” he said.

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