Meet General Ante Gotovina at His Tuna Farm at Diaspora Conference G2.5

Total Croatia News

July 11, 2019 – Planning for the 5th G2 Croatian diaspora conference is in its advanced stages. One of the undoubted highlights is the chance to meet General Ante Gotovina. 

Connections between Croatia and its diaspora are strengthing. One of the pillars bringing entrepreneurs from the Homeland and Croatian communities abroad is the G2 conference, which will take part for the fifth year later this year:

This year, the fifth Meeting G2 conference will be held in November. Please mark this down in your calendars from the 4th to the 6th of November and make the most of the time to investigate business opportunities and potential business partners. Last year, more than 200 participants attended the event, including more than 70 representatives of Croatian owned businesses from all around the world. This year, we expect an even larger turnout to attend the event to voice their opinions on the goals of the Conference, build a great atmosphere and create a story that connects all Croatians around the world. We will brief you about the conference program and early bird prices.

The schedule is still being finalised, and we will publish it as soon as we get it, but here is an interesting special offer to add a little spice to G2.5:

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet our celebrated Croatian Army General Ante Gotovina at this year’s Meeting G2 Conference. Gen. Gotovina will host participants of the conference starting 6th November 2019 at his company Pelagos net farma d.o.o. in Zadar. 

A few years ago, Gen. Gotovina founded a company harvesting wild tuna, breeding them under controlled conditions in underwater cages, and his business has been booming. All interested will have the opportunity to watch live production operations and meet the celebrated general, who is today a very successful entrepreneur.

Get an Early Bird 40% discount if you register before 15th of July for this year’s conference. For more information, see the Fee Discount article.

Tickets are limited, so please indicate your interest in the trip to see Gen. Gotovina in your application. For online registration, visit online discount.

To follow the latest from the Croatian diaspora, follow the dedicated TCN section.  


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