Zadar Digital Nomad Week Diary: Sixth Day Recap

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I think that nobody can deny that, after several very intense days of activities, the program needed a kind of relaxation. And no, that did not mean that the very interesting workshops and keynotes would stop. On the contrary, the sixth day brought with it memorable sessions with many lessons. The program of that day was carried out almost entirely in the old town of Zadar. The sixth day of the Zadar Digital Nomad Week carried the slogan of Nomads + Worklife, and to do it justice, it was necessary that the day’s workshops and keynotes be led by authoritative voices already known in the country.

It’s 9:00 am in Zadar, and one of Croatia’s favorite digital nomads, Steve Tsentserensky, is speaking online about ”The Dark Art of Upwork”. Most of you might already know him, but for those who don’t, Steve is a writer, video producer, and photographer who’s created content for big and small brands with his company SBT Productions, and as a freelance writer. He’s produced content for contestants on The Voice, adventure tourism companies, exchange-listed firms, and written for prominent outlets like CNBC and more while traveling. Despite it being almost 3 in the morning at his current location, Steve makes no secret of his enthusiasm to dig deeper into how to generate income anywhere in the world as a freelancer through the Upwork platform, and how to land your ideal jobs and clients.


Steve Tsentserensky

We headed to the next venue of the Zadar Digital Nomad Week, The Botanist, located on the west coast of Zadar’s old town. It was Charlie Brown‘s turn to offer a great workshop on how to generate income as a writer through the Medium and Substack platforms. And I say great not only for a very valuable opportunity to listen to someone who continues to grow as a writer and on these platforms day after day but also because we were able to have an extensive Q&A session in which almost all attendees participated. A few days ago, the participants were sure they wanted to start their podcast as soon as possible, but now they were starting to lean more towards writing. That’s how cool it was! Charlie gave a ton of advice on not only using Medium and Substack but also how to land the topics you can write about and progress faster.


Another great online session would follow, with another familiar face: Anna Maria Kochanska, the Chief Nomad at the Zadar Digital Nomad Week, shared her insights on the link between digital nomads and locals. Anna Maria is surely one of the digital nomads who has traveled the most places in the world, and she has been in contact with different cultures. How can a nomad authentically engage with its surroundings? In Anna Maria’s own experience, it was better to distance herself from the rich people in hotels and yachts and get closer to people, both locals and other nomads, who could show her the destination she was at in its purest form.


Anna Maria Kochanska

After the online session, we headed to the Duke’s palace, inside Zadar’s old town, a renovated 16th-century palace, now hosting temporary exhibitions, music performances & events. It was the turn of perhaps one of the most particular, different, and entertaining activities in the Zadar Digital Nomad Week program. In the library, Tijs Berens from Skillup was waiting for us to participate in a virtual Escape Room. For those who are not familiar with the game, an Escape Room puts you in a place and situation where the main goal is clear: to escape. However, to do so requires skill, logic, and in this particular one, a lot of teamwork. The participants found themselves adrift in a spaceship, and in order to land safely, they needed to decipher the clues and resume communication with ground control. To achieve this, they had just 50 minutes. Despite the difficulties and even after thinking they couldn’t figure it out, the team reestablished contact with ground control with 10 minutes to go. Success!


We continued with the virtual sessions and it was Kashlee Kucheran‘s turn to step forward! Kashlee, originally from Canada – is a dynamic speaker, and Travel Lifestyle Trendsetter. She lights up a destination if she drops its name. From Mexico, to Bali to Croatia (and most recently, Albania) Kashlee is with us today to discuss: The Rise of the Female Digital Nomad. According to Kashlee, what used to be a major man-dominated space is now changing. Partially because of more women entering tech and partially because the pandemic allowed many female-dominant jobs to go remote.


Kashlee Kucheran

To wrap up a great day in Zadar’s old town, we now head to The Garden Lounge, where we are pleasantly surprised that some new digital nomads have dropped by to share a few drinks. For those who do not know, the Digital Nomad Association Croatia organizes monthly We{dn}esday events in different cities in Croatia, with the aim of creating an environment of sharing and networking between digital nomads who are currently in that location. Definitely an initiative that fitted perfectly at this point in the program.

For the latest news and features about digital nomads in Croatia, check out the dedicated TCN section


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