Hvar Film Festival Presents Programme – Free Tickets Available From Today!

Lauren Simmonds

hvar film festival

August the 27th, 2024 – The first edition of the Hvar Film Festival is set to showcase 20 short films created in the past year.

According to Vecernji, these will be films with notable international screenings as part of some of the biggest film festivals. The HFF programme is divided into two programme categories – HFF International Film and HFF Regional Film. The programme team of the Hvar Film Festival watched more than 300 short films and selected the best ones for screening at the Veneranda Open Air cinema in Hvar, scheduled for September the 10th to the 14th.

The following will be shown in the Hvar Film Festival International Film category:

  • Balkan, Baby, directed by Boris Gavrilović (Germany)
  • O Pomar, directed by Ana Manana and Joana Lourenço (Portugal),
  • An Orange from Jaffa, directed by Mohammed Almughanni (Palestine),
  • Sea Salt, directed by Leila Basma (Czech Republic),
  • Dreaming of Venice, directed by Elisabetta Giannini (Italy),
  • A short trip, directed by Erenik Beqiri (France),
  • Minus One, directed by Ömer Ferhat Özmen (Turkey),
  • Know Your Stones, directed by Katarina Jazbec (Germany, Netherlands)
  • The Meatseller, directed by Margherita Giusti (Italy)

The Hvar Film Festival Regional Film category is set to bring:

  • Šta će selo reć (What will the village say?) directed by Karlo Gagulić (Croatia),
  • U bolesti i u zdravlju (In sickness and in health) directed by Devina Vassileva (Bulgaria),
  • Pojedi me (Eat me) directed by Mima Miljković (Serbia),
  • Radije bi bila kamen (I would rather be a stone) directed by Ana Hušman (Croatia),
  • Neka cvjeta rosno cvijeće (Let the dewy flowers bloom) directed by Ivan Bakrač (Montenegro, Serbia),
  • Nisam je stigao voljeti (I didn’t make it to love her) directed by Anna Fernandez de Paco (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain),
  • Sevap / Mitzvah, directed by Sabina Vajrača (Bosnia and Herzegovina, USA),
  • Reznica, directed by Davor Marinković (Serbia),
  • Pobjeda (Victory) directed by Zulfikar Filandra (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
  • Workers’ Wings, directed by Ilir Hasanaj (Albania)
  • Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti (The man who could not remain silent) directed by Nebojša Slijepčević (Croatia), who will also open the Hvar Film Festival.

All of the aforementioned films will be shown in four tours. The first tour of the Regional Film is scheduled to be shown at the Arsenal on September the 10th, while the remaining three tours – two of the programme of the International Film and one of the Regional Film – can be seen as part of Veneranda Open Air. The screenings are scheduled every evening from September the 11th to the 13th from 21:00 onwards.

The Hvar Film Festival will open on September the 10th in Hvar’s Arsenal, after which there will be a concert of film music performed by Josip Palameta and the band with special guest Dino Petrić on the Pjaca.

During the duration of the Hvar Film Festival, an exhibition of Jadran Lazić’s incredible photographs will also be set up in the Arsenal.

On the last evening of the Hvar Film Festival, after the award ceremony and the screening of the winning film, there will be a concert held by the group “Glavni” as part of Veneranda.

workshops as part of the hvar film festival

In addition to the programme intended for the audience, the Hvar Film Festival, as part of the Sunny Shorts Film Market (SSFM), will also organise three-day workshops intended for film professionals. These include young actors and producers who will be able to engage in acting and short film production workshops, of which focus will be on green policies in the film industry.

As part of SSFM, the workshops will be held by directors Pjer Žalica and Ivan Sikavica, director Hanna Slak, producers Morana Ikić Komljenović and Alem Babić, director Ines Tanović, MEDIA Desk Hrvatska director Martina Petrović, producers Nicolò Gentili and Matteo Pianezzi, casting agent Anila Gajević and famous Croatian photographer Jadran Lazić.

free tickets

Tickets for all of these screenings and events are free, but must be downloaded from the Hvar Film Festival website (from August the 27th, 2024). Tickets will also be available at the Office of the Hvar Town Tourist Board from September the 7th, on weekdays from 08:30 to 20:00.

Tickets can also be picked up for the official opening of the Festival in Arsenal on September the 10th, but the number of places is limited and they’re available exclusively online.

All information about the Hvar Film Festival and the festival guide are available here.

The Hvar Film Festival is a short professional film festival dedicated to the industry, the development of short Croatian and European films, and as such, it will present five projects in development as part of its edition.


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