Japanese Consumers Demand Croatian Wines

Total Croatia News

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Distributors of Croatian wines in Japan, together with representatives of several highly important retail chains toured Croatia last week with the goal of continuing cooperation in the export of Croatian wines to Japan. Seven Japanese distributors and potential buyers who arrived to Croatia, during their tour of vineyards and cellars tasted selected wines and authentic Croatian specialties, and decided on importing superior wines and wine sorts that have never been on the Japanese market, to be imported by the end of the year.

The export of Croatian wines to Japan began last year, followed by a large organised presentation of Croatian wines at the largest trade show in Japan in February, Supermarket Trade Show in Tokyo. Both the presentation in Tokyo and the arrival of Japanese partners to Croatia are part of a large project of promoting Croatian wines in Japan financed from the Wine Envelope, the measure Promotion in Third Markets from the national programme of aid to the wine sector 2014-2018, participated jointly by Vina Belje, PP Orahovica and Kraljevski Vinogradi.


The project confirmed Japan is a very demanding and very interesting market for Croatian winemakers who can offer authentic wines of high quality. Japan consumes annually 364 million litres of wine, with European wines dominating import, among which Croatian wines are gaining in significance.

During their visit to Vina Belje, Japanese guests were welcomed by Mirko Filipović CRO COP, who wished them welcome in Croatia and making the Japanese guests very excited as CRO COP is loved by Japanese and surely the greatest ambassador of Croatian sport and Croatia in Japan.

For the original and more from the G.E.T. Report, click here.


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