July 5, 2023 – 978,000 euros have been spent so far for the Osijek mosquito problem. The amount includes control treatments in the area of the city of Osijek and co-financing of the treatments of neighboring municipalities. It also includes monitoring and supervision services provided by the Osijek-Baranja County Public Health Training Institute, the city administration said.
The deputy mayor of Osijek, Dragan Vulin, pointed out at that the concentration of mosquitoes in Osijek has significantly decreased, writes Index. That is the result of the treatments carried out last week with their average efficiency of almost 90 percent.
Sarvas the Lucky Winner of Osijek Mosquito Problem
The latest data show that the most mosquitoes found their home in Sarvas. More than 18,000 individuals were counted in the trap before treatment. Now, thankfully, that number is 474, with the effectiveness of the treatment at that location slightly higher than 97 percent.
So far, 112 recommendations of the county Institute of Public Health have been implemented. There are no new recommendations as the number of mosquitoes is within acceptable limits. Now it’s tolerable and outdoor activities can take place unhindered, said the deputy of Osijek of the mayor of Vulin.

He reminds that this year Osijek signed contracts with neighboring municipalities. For the first time, they treated the flood area within the administrative boundaries of the municipalities surrounding Osijek.
“After 14 years, we once again used a twin-engine plane above Osijek to treat mosquitoes and treated the entire area of Osijek within 24 hours. This was recommended by the experts, and proved to be effective,” emphasized Vulin.
Osijek has a total of 1.5 million euros in its budget for mosquito control this year, of which 700,000 euros are its own funds. 200,000 euros are funds from the Osijek-Baranja County, while 600,000 euros are provided by the government.