Other Key Infrastructure Projects Awaiting Croatia

Total Croatia News

July 31, 2018 — Croatia’s long-awaited (and controversial) Peljesac Bridge project began in earnest today. It’s not the only megalith development which could reshape the country’s infrastructure.

While Croatia’s entry into the European Union five years ago eased trade and kicked open borders, the physical manifestations of Croatia’s membership are materializing only now.

Croatia’s seeing the benefit of European Union membership in less-ephemeral terms; shovels are hitting dirt.

Here are some of Croatia’s mega-projects in various stages of completion — or planning. Most of them are helped along by at least some financing from the EU, according to Poslovni Dnevnik.

Pelješki Bridge

Construction formally began Monday on the Holy Grail of all Croatian infrastructure projects, the Pelješac Bridge. The span will connect Croatia’s southernmost tip to the rest of the country, bypassing a sliver of Bosnian coastline.

The 2 billion kuna project was awarded to the China Road and Bridge Corporation, which has three years to complete the bridge.

Many have dubbed it Croatia’s most important infrastructure project. When completed, Croatia’s tourism mecca Dubrovnik will finally be connected to the rest of the country.

The project — and the choice of contractor — has not been without its detractors. China Road and Bridge Corporation’s selection was met with lawsuits from other contractors, who claim the state-run firm has an unfair competitive advantage fueled by the explicit backing of the Chinese government. (They lost those cases.)

Neighboring Bosnia also continues to claim the bridge breaks a host of maritime laws, while breaching its sovereignty.

Airport Fixes

Dubrovnik’s airport is about to undergo a much-needed makeover and expansion, costing about 220 million Euros. Work should be done by next year.

Split’s airport is getting updated as well, with the 61 million-Euro work lasting until next year.

Rijeka Harbor

Rijeka’s once-thriving harbor will round off six development projects worth about 120 million euros by 2021. Investments will also focus on small ports which will benefit its archipelago of islands.

Svilaj Bridge

The bridge will be part of the Vc Corridor, in Croatia’s eastern chunk. The 22 million Euro cost will be split between Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Vinkovic — Vukovar Connection

Bids have been requested for the construction and electrification of the 19-kilometer stretch between Vinkovci and Vukovar, as well as rejuvenation of the of the local train station. The project is worth about 93 million kuna.

A second railway track at the Hungarian border

A tender will be put out for rejuvenation of the existing train tracks as Križevci, at the Hungarian border. A second set of track will also be added. The 300 million kuna project should be completed by 2021.

Gradiška Bringe on the Sava

Another joint-venture infrastructure project for Bosnia and Croatia, this 20 million Euro-bridge crossing the Sava River should be contracted out by the end of the year.

Hopefully none of the above projects will end up like Croatia’s now-infamous road to nowhere.


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