
No Classes in Croatian Schools Starting on Friday

Total Croatia News

Croatian education strike starts Friday.

Mandžukić Out for Bulgaria and Malta

Total Croatia News

Čačić announced the list of players for both games

HT Still Down, Even the Stock Exchange is Out

Total Croatia News

Some ATMs and POS terminals are also down

Hvar Named One of Europe’s Best Hidden Gems

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Another accolade for this Croatian tourist destination

How the National Football Federation Became Mamić Inc.

Total Croatia News

(Photo credit  

When Europe Bans Cars, Croatia Does the Opposite

Total Croatia News

Is a new parking incentive in Čakovec sending out the wrong message?

It is Grape Harvest Time in Croatia: The Rolling Belje Vineyards in Baranja

Total Croatia News

From the small family picker to the mechanical harvester, Croatians are in their fields. The view from Belje in Baranja.

SDP Wants Elections as Soon as Possible

Total Croatia News

The Government is keen on early elections.

Croatia National League: Few Goals, Lots of Talking Points

Total Croatia News

Only one goal between five matches, but there was plenty to talk about, especially at the big Hajduk – Dinamo ...

Are you Having Network Problems Today?

Total Croatia News

Even emergency service numbers are hard to reach