
old croatian currency

Old Croatian Currency Still Being Kept at Home – in Huge Amounts

Lauren Simmonds

November the 2nd, 2023 – The old Croatian currency (kuna/HRK) is still being kept in socks, under mattresses and in ...


8000 New Trees to be Planted Across Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

November the 2nd, 2023 – Over the next five months, some 8000 new trees are set to be planted across ...

croatian post-season tourism

How is Croatian Post-Season Tourism Doing?

Lauren Simmonds

November the 2nd, 2023 – Contrary to what most promotions would have people believe, Croatia doesn’t vanish into some other ...


INA Producing Gas in Egypt for the First Time

Lauren Simmonds

November the 2nd, 2023 – INA has expressed its pride in its ongoing project in Egypt, which has been a ...

croatian startup factory

Croatian Startup Factory Richer for New Programme

Lauren Simmonds

November the 2nd, 2023 – The Croatian Startup Factory is now richer for a new programme which makes entering foreign ...

croatian peka

Cooking Under the Bell – the Croatian Peka

Katarina Anđelković

November 1, 2023 – When you think of Croatian cuisine, your taste buds may instantly gravitate toward the renowned Mediterranean ...

croatian winter traffic rules

Croatian Winter Traffic Rules in Force From Today

Katarina Anđelković

November 1, 2023 – Though the weather has been all but indicative of that, apparently, it is time to brace ...

all saints' day in croatia

It is All Saints’ Day in Croatia

Katarina Anđelković

November 1, 2023 – Today is All Saints’ Day in Croatia. Most people go out and visit the graves of ...

Suncani Hvar/Romulic and Stojcic

American Company Blackstone to Take Over Suncani Hvar?

Katarina Anđelković

November 1, 2023 – One of the largest transactions in the Croatian hotel sector is currently taking place in the ...

croatian monetary fund

InterCapital Presents First Croatian Monetary Fund

Lauren Simmonds

October the 31st, 2023 – InterCapital has presented its very first Croatian monetary fund, and there are some high expectations ...