Ante Simonić Announces Candidacy for Presidency

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, August 22, 2019 – Ante Simonić professor-turned-diplomat and a former member of the Croatian Peasant Party (HSS), who was a deputy prime minister in the Social Democratic Party (SDP) led government under Ivica Račan on Wednesday announced his presidential bid.

Simonić underlined that the concept of his bid is that the Constitution should not be changed but respected as should all laws. “The problem in Croatia is not the quality of the Constitution and laws but rather their non-respect,” he said.

He announced that as the president he intended to act in accordance with the Constitution and would not make promises that he could not keep and that he would cooperate with the government and parliament.

Simonić warned that Croatia is faced with a huge problem and that it needs to open up to the future without unnecessary divisions in the people.

He welcomes the support of any party and announced that he would conduct a personalised campaign.

More news about presidential elections can be found in the Politics section.


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