Brexit Brits in Croatia: Outreach Meeting in Zagreb Scheduled Tomorrow

Lauren Simmonds

September the 30th, 2019 – As the majority of you will know, I’ve been writing articles to try to keep you up to date with Brexit and the unfolding situation in the UK.

Numerous articles have been written to update, inform and attempt to answer your questions on what Brexit with or without a deal means for you as a British citizen with legal residence in Croatia. 

The first article, which can be read here, covers what would happen if Theresa May’s deal (withdrawal agreement) is adopted by British Parliament.

The others cover the situation as it unfolded. As individual EU member states came forward with their proposals for UK citizens following the UK promising to protect EU citizens in any scenario (be it deal or no deal), and after a request for a ”generous and pragmatic” offer from the EU, Croatia finally shed some light on the situation here, citing special measures.

With little else to go on, we wrote an article on the steps British residents in Croatia affected by Brexit can take to ensure they’re secure. You can read that here.

Eventually, MUP spoke out and offered guidelines in the event of any Brexit scenario, this echoed much of what we had already written. It can be read here and also contains our advice written in italic font. Here is the original on their website.

For a breakdown of the legal jargon which surrounds this issue and what it all means in the real world, click here.

Given the fact that very little help is being offered to Brits living in the rest of the EU in general, a generous sum was allocated to help out those who are struggling with residence applications and registrations forms.

As Theresa May stepped down after her withdrawal agreement was rejected three times by parliament, Boris Johnson entered Number 10 and shamelessly prorogued parliament. Until MPs managed to pass a law making no deal illegal, the threat of a no deal Brexit became very real once again. That is now unlikely indeed, and a further extension is expected, but just in case it happens, click here for all you need to know.

Please note that there is no need to panic as long as you are a British citizen correctly registered and with a valid residence permit of either type (privremeni boravak/temporary residence or stalni boravak/permanent residence). If you hold permanent residence already, there is nothing for you to be concerned about.

I keep seeing very concerning comments from various individuals about people being ”kicked out” of countries, this simply is not true. Croatia has made it quite clear that it will protect its legal British residents regardless of the outcome of Brexit, through transitional arrangements that will have no end date. This will allow you to continue your life in Croatia exactly as you did before.

If there is a no deal Brexit, all you will need to do is exchange your residence card for another one, but its validity and type will remain exactly the same. If you hold permanent residence, it will still be permanent residence. Much more detail on that is provided here.

If you are a British citizen living in Croatia and you have not yet registered your residence, please do so as soon as possible in order to have your rights protected.

We’d like to announce that the British Embassy Zagreb will be holding an outreach meeting for British citizens in Zagreb on October the 1st, 2019.

The location will be at Preradoviceva 12, at the Garden Bar and Kitchen from 18:00 to 20:00.

You need to register that you’ll be attending by emailing Please remember to bring your British passport along with you.

Make sure to follow our dedicated politics page for more information on Brexit as we get it, and much more.


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