Minister Nataša Tramišak presented a report on the absorption of EU funding by Croatia at the closed part of today’s cabinet meeting, which was then adopted.
Croatia was allocated €10.7 billion from the ESIF for the 2014-2020 period. By 28 January 2021, it had agreed the financing of €12.17 billion, or 113.4% of the allocation. A total of €5.06 billion was disbursed, or 47.6% of the allocation, and €4.39 billion, or 40.89%, was certified.
In the period from 2013 to 28 January 2021, the difference between the amount of money received from the EU budget and the amount paid into the EU budget was HRK 38.59 billion in favour of the Croatian state budget.
The Competitiveness and Cohesion operational programme has the highest contracting rate, of 124.71% of the total allocation, while the Rural Development Programme has the highest disbursement rate, of 63.60% of the allocation, the statement said.