Grlić Radman Asks For Additional US Engagement Regarding BiH Election Reform

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Image: HDZ/Facebook screenshot
Image: HDZ/Facebook screenshot

“I told the US Secretary of State that we are very much concerned about the missed chance to amend the BiH election law. I also warned of possible radicalisation of the situation after the elections,” Grlić Radman told reporters.

He added that he had asked Blinken that the US enhance its presence and help ensure agreement between local Bosniak and Croat leaders on rules for general elections to be held in October.

The two officials were attending an informal meeting of the foreign ministers of NATO member-countries which again supported Ukraine in the fight against the Russian aggression.

“All the ministers reiterated their solidarity and expressed readiness for stronger engagement, not only by individual countries but by NATO as a whole,” said the Croatian minister.

He stressed that NATO was not a party to the conflict but that it supported Ukraine’s “just and defensive war.”

At a meeting with NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană, Grlić Radman guaranteed full support to Finland and Sweden’s bid to join NATO.

“We discussed also the pace of the procedure and I believe the issue could be resolved before the NATO summit to be held in Madrid in June,” Grlić Radman said.

He repeated that he believed the doubts Turkey has expressed regarding the accession of Finland and Sweden would soon be removed through talks.

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