Ivica Todorić: Plenković, Dalić and Ramljak Know Knighthead Very Well!

Lauren Simmonds

The blog strikes again!

The former Agrokor majority owner Ivica Todorić has taken to his primary cyber weapon once again on October the 11th, 2017, this time to accuse the Deputy Prime Minister and Agrokor’s government appointed Extraordinary Commissioner of deception with regard to the capital management company which stepped in during the distressing situation in Croatia’s largest privately owned company – Knighthead Funding.

”Dear Mr. Prime Minister, if you didn’t know about Mr. Ramljak’s meetings with Knighthead before the adoption of the unconstitutional Lex Agrokor (law), then you were either naive or you were deceived. Mr. Ramljak brought that same fund into Šibenik TLM and their consultant is his adviser at Agrokor, they’ve known each other and worked [together] in business for years. In any case, your deputy (Martina Dalić) knew that, along with her partners from Ramljak’s circle, she wrote that same Lex [Agrokor] (law). After all, this was confirmed by Mr. Ramljak himself when he appeared on an RTL show where he clearly emphasised the timeline before the passing of Lex Agrokor, saying [the words]: “when we wrote the law”. Also, that same Mr. Ramljak, in cooperation with Martina Dalić, also intensively communicated before passing Lex [Agrokor] with some people from Agrokor itself. In what capacity, exactly? Check out the role of attorney Tin Dolički, and you’ll uncover some interesting information.

These facts are dramatic, contrary to what you said in your last statement. They’re dramatic because they point to a deliberate plan to seize private property, which you personally participated in with the adoption of Lex [Agrokor]. Mr. Prime Minister, I hope you’ve read the inappropriate email Mrs. Dalić wrote to a member of the Agrokor Administration on March the 28th, sent during the small hours of the night. Of course, if you have, then everything’s clear to you. Don’t participate in this criminal business, these are people [operating] outside of the law. These people are deceiving state institutions and the ruling majority. Seeing as you’ve got the powers in DORH regarding criminal cases, check Ramljak’s SMS messages sent to an Agrokor board member on March the 25th (2017). That is also your obligation. You say there were no threats or force to sign Lex [Agrokor], just read those messages. Don’t forget that the most immediate threat and intimidation was from your government – just one day before I was forced to sign the activation of Lex Agrokor, and the police entered Agrokor on April the 6th (2017).

On whose orders [was all this], Mr. Prime Minister? Or did you not know that either. Police officers took documents without any supervision/control from the owner, it is possible that there was misuse and submission of various documentation over which I have no control. At the same time, with this process, Mr. Ramljak adjusted the balance sheet to offset Agrokor and served it cheaply to his partners, behind which, there are billions in material gains that they want to acquire by doing this.


Translated from ivicatodoric.hr


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