Leaders of 3 Minor Croat Parties Support Milanović’s Policy for Croats in BiH

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Photo: Ivo Cagalj/PIXSELL
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Earlier on Monday Milanović called on representatives of Croats in BiH to clearly state if they agree with his policy so that he can continue pursuing it.

“I support President Milanović’s policy and call on institutions in Croatia to help in finding a solution to the Croat issue in BiH and to take all the necessary steps, regardless of how difficult they may be,” the leader of the HDZ 1990, Ilija Cvitanović told the Bild.ba web news portal.

He added that this was a ‘historic moment’ for Croats in BiH and that it has to be utilized.

The leader of HSS BiH, Mario Karamatić posted on Facebook that he can see “the point, interest and advantage’ in what Milanović is doing and asked that he continued doing so.

“Mr. President, please do not give up from us too, like many others who have done so for whatever reason,” Karamatić wrote.

Leader of the Republican Party Slaven Raguž said that “over the past 15 days, Zoran Milanović has done more to internationalize the Croat issue in BiH than HDZ has in the past 20 years.”

Milanović has been repeating for days that Croatia should block Finland and Sweden’s accession to the alliance until the election law in BiH is amended in an attempt to prevent the more numerous Bosniaks to outvote Croats in that country at the October election.

However, Croatia’s Prime Minister and leader of the HDZ, Andrej Plenković, has accused Milanović’s rhetoric saying that it has damaged attempts for an agreement to be reached over the election reform.

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