Minister Announces Reconstruction of Roads, Railway Station in Sisak

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“The total damage to state roads has been estimated at around HRK 70 million, and repair work will start urgently… Damage to county roads has been estimated at some HRK 20 million and those funds will be secured through the Croatian Roads company. As for local and unclassified roads, we will ask the towns and municipalities in whose remit they are to send us damage estimates so that we can help,” Butkovic said.

As for the Sisak Railway Station, which has been damaged in the earthquake, it is a cultural monument and its restoration will be agreed with the Culture Ministry, it was said.

The railway line did not sustain any major damage and traffic is proceeding according to schedule, Butkovic said, noting that the road toll on the Zagreb-Sisak highway was not being collected to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The minister noted that there had been a lot of problems with telecommunications infrastructure in the area but that telecommunications operators had boosted wireless Internet speeds to help normalise the situation as soon as possible.

The boosted signal should thus help make rural and border areas, where the phone signal has normally been weak, easier to reach.


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