MOST Presents Initiative for Keeping Young People in Croatia

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, March 3, 2018 – The MOST party on Saturday held a convention in Zagreb where this opposition party outlined its programme for halting the trend of large-scale departure of young Croatians from the country. The seven-point document focuses on demography, judiciary, public administration, energy sector, entrepreneurship, agriculture and public health-care.

Addressing some 400 members and officials who gathered for the fifth convention of the party, its leader Božo Petrov said the programme showed that MOST had already prepared measures for a better future of the youth, which it could start implementing if it came in power.

MOST’s political secretary and MP Nikola Grmoja said that they were aware that in order to stop the outflow of young people, it would be necessary to fulfil economic prerequisites.

Regarding measures aimed at demographic revival, MOST proposes higher maternity allowances for twins, and the third and every next child up their third birthday, as well as longer working hours of pre-school institutions and nurseries. Concerning the public administration, the party promotes the introduction of e-business and digitisation of processes.

As far as the judiciary is concerned, MOST finds it to be one of sore points and the party has already tabled draft laws on courts and the State Judicial Council (DSV). As regards the entrepreneurship segment, the programme includes 27 measures to make doing business in Croatia simpler. When it comes to the energy sector, MOST has prepared a draft law on micro-solar systems and on enabling households to provide themselves with renewable energy.

Concerning agriculture, the opposition party has drawn up proposals how to help young people stay in rural areas and start up their own businesses. As for the public health-care, the party has proposed changes to improve the status of doctors.


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