MOST Worried about Emigration of Young Croats

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, February 10, 2018 – The MOST party on Saturday held a convention in the northern city of Varaždin on the topic of large-scale emigration of Croatians from the country and on how to halt this trend, and the leader of this opposition party Božo Petrov said that it was necessary to carry out reforms to keep young residents in the country.

Addressing the event that attracted about 200 officials and grass-root members of the party and its sympathisers, Petrov said that politicians were not capable of solving this issue. “It is up to you whether people will continue leaving Croatia. Don’t look at politicians don’t pin your hopes on politicians,” Petrov said among other things. Please wake up and take your future in hand, Petrov said in his message to young people.

He also commented on his party’s initiative to reform the public administration, while other party members commented on MOST’s initiatives to overhaul the judiciary, the energy sector, the waste management sector, and some other sectors.

MOST member Robert Podolnjak said that the large-scale departure of young people from Croatia should be treated as a major political, social and economic issue. If this trend of the emigration of young people continues, there will no people who can bring about necessary changes in the country, he said.


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