Opposition: Health Minister Beroš Has To Go

Total Croatia News

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screenshot/ Internet TV Hrvatskoga sabora
screenshot/ Internet TV Hrvatskoga sabora

“There is a consensus among the opposition that Health Minister Vili Beroš has to go,” SDP leader Peđa Grbin said after a meeting of opposition parties.

Grbin: We are giving Beroš an opportunity to step down

The motion will be launched soon but we will allow Beroš some time to think about everything that has occurred in healthcare and give him an opportunity to step down, said Grbin.

He denied that the motion was being launched as part of SDP’s electioneering ahead of the 16 May elections, saying that this had to do with the health of Croatian citizens.

“The man who allowed hospitals to not be delivered medicines, for the debt in healthcare to escalate and who is being connected to numerous wrongdoings in public procurement in the hospital system, simply cannot be the health minister,” underscored Grbin.

Grbin said that Prime Minister Andrej Plenković should think carefully in future about his criteria when selecting cabinet ministers.

Sandra Benčić of the Green-Left bloc said that she supports the no-confidence motion against Beroš but that Plenković too should be held responsible, who in the end is responsible for the entire situation in healthcare.

“It’s clear that the prime minister will fervently defend his minister and then a month or two later when it is more politically opportune, he will call for his resignation. That is the prime minister’s modus operandi. He expends people and then throws them out like an old rag and covers up his bad decisions with them,” said Benčić.

Benčić: Opposition will prepare an expert analysis

She announced that in preparing the no-confidence motion, the opposition will prepare an expert analysis regarding access to therapy, medicines, the way the system is managed and of the Cijepise (Get vaccinated) application.

“Spending money in healthcare that way during the greatest ever crisis is equal to war profiteering,” she claimed.

She too denied that this is all part of electioneering ahead of the local election.

Stephen Nikola Bartulica of the Homeland Movement said (DP) said that: “we are opening important topics and it is up to the prime minister to make serious moves. Instead of being a statesman and making courageous decisions he is a ‘spin doctor’ in Government House and releases cheap spins to the public every day.”

The healthcare system is not being managed well and that practice has to change and reforms need to be urgently implemented, he added.

Hrelja: HSU supports motion to oust Beroš

Silvano Hrelja of the Pensioners’ Party (HSU) said that the party supports the motion to oust Beroš, denying speculation that HSU would join the ruling majority.

“Cooperation on projects exists but there is no coalition there,” said Hrelja.

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