
Action! Masked Activists Remove Slovenian Wire Fence on Croatian Border

Total Croatia News

Activist activity on the Croatian border with Slovenia against the hated wire fence. 

MOST on Croatian Economy: No Pay Cuts in Public Sector

Total Croatia News

MOST talks about cuts and public sector pay. 

Slovenia Wants Croatia to Introduce Stricter Identification Procedures for Migrants

Total Croatia News

As reported by T-Portal, Slovenia has requested a meeting with Croatian authorities in order to demand that Croatia introduces stricter identification ...

SDP Prepares for Party Leadership Elections

Total Croatia News

After SDP lost in the post-election coalition negotiations, it was only a question of who will be the first to ...

HDZ’s Candidate for Health Minister Talks about Abortion and Other Issues

Total Croatia News

President of HDZ’s Health Committee and the leading candidate for new Croatian health minister Ante Ćorušić was a guest on ...

PM Designate Tihomir Tim Orešković Starts Discussions About New Ministers

Total Croatia News

Tim Oreskovic gets down to work. 

Refugees Continue to Pass Through Croatia, Austria Rejects Some Migrants from Slovenia

Total Croatia News

The latest on the migrant crisis in Croatia.

Extreme Right Wingers Clash with Anti-fascist Protesters in the Centre of Zagreb

Total Croatia News

Protest were staged against the sermon commemorating the death Croatia’s WWII fascist leader Ante Pavelić

Croatian President Grabar Kitarovic to Start 2016 with a Working Visit to the US

Total Croatia News

During her tour she will visit Minneapolis and Chicago

Mayor of Split Baldasar Calls for SDP Leaders to Resign

Total Croatia News

Party leaders did not stay quiet for long telling Baldasar he is free to leave anytime he wants