
Croatia Receives Billion Kuna More from EU Budget than It Paid In

Total Croatia News

A net EU gain for Croatia.

New Croatian PM Tihomir Tim Orešković’s Plans Receive Support from Business Community

Total Croatia News

Support from Croatia’s business community to PM Oreskovic’s reform plans. 

Foreign Press about Croatia’s PM Designate Tihomir Tim Orešković

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As expected, new PM designate was the subject of interest of most international media

Will New Government Try to Influence the Croatian National Bank?

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How will the relationship be between the new government and the Croatian National Bank?

With Secret Ballot, SDP to Push Its Candidate for Croatian Parliament Speaker?

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The battle to nominate the Croatian Speaker of Parliament.

Unions Cautious About Croatia’s PM Designate Tim Orešković

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This is not surprising, considering he comes from a large corporation and is calling for cuts and austerity measures

In a Christmas Message, MOST Attacks SDP and Warns HDZ

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A message of Christmas cheer from MOST for the main political parties.

Outgoing Croatian Defence Minister Kotromanović to Leave Politics and Move to Washington

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A relocation for Croatia’s Minister of Defence.

EU Expects Major Reforms from New Croatian Government

Total Croatia News

Big European expectations of the new Croatian government.

Croatian Entrepreneurs Support PM Candidate Tihomir Orešković

Total Croatia News

An important vote of confidence for the new Croatian PM designate.